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danny zubot 11-22-2005 07:33 PM

Urgent!! 400 bulb needed
Mine broke and my corals have already been without light for almost 3 days. Looking to buy or even borrow a 400 watt mogul socket bulb in Calgary.

HimSelf 11-22-2005 09:19 PM

try and buy one from a Hydro store for $30 (5,500K) for now. It won't look nice but it will work.


TrailFish 11-22-2005 09:45 PM


I'm heading to Calgary tommorrow and I drive by J&L Aquatics on my way home tonight..... so if you get back to me before I leave the office today I can pick up what you want and deliver tommorrow. Just a thought. I'll PM you my cell # and if you are interested give me a call before 6:00 PM Calgary time.


fishnchum 11-22-2005 09:45 PM

careful, some bulbs used for growing weed spew uv.....

BT05 11-22-2005 10:54 PM

Try Brite Lite in the NE. Check Quick-Grow for hydroponic bulbs and no they won't give you skin cancer unless you buy a UV sterilization bulb or something ridiculous like that. :rolleyes:

fishnchum 11-22-2005 11:51 PM

umm, no, but some bulbs ...will... burn your corals and inverts...

"These short articles have shown that all the lamps we tested produced UV radiation. Metal halide lamps’ outer glass envelopes only weaken UV; they do not eliminate it. The actual amount of UV produced by a metal halide lamp depends upon many factors such as lamp wattage, lamp orientation and arc tube construction (universal burn position versus bottom up or bottom down). Profound differences can exist between “identical” lamps. More importantly, the shape (along with the type of reflective surface) can focus UV energy into “hot spots” where the UV energy exceeds that found in nature. Even higher UV energy is produced during lamp strike and water surface waves can further focus this radiation. Seemingly small differences (such as lamp height) can also have a major impact upon the amount of UV entering an aquarium. With so many variables involved, it is difficult, if not impossible, to know how much UV is being produced without actually making measurements.

We have seen that UV radiation has the potential to damage corals and other coral reef inhabitants. Many reef animals can produce natural sunscreens (MAA’s) to protect themselves against UV but MAA concentrations are possibly a response to the amount of UV to which they are subjected. This is an important point since UV production among all tested lamps was not consistent and can change dramatically during normal operation or when the lamp is changed.

Our experiences suggest that coral coloration is a response to PAR levels, not UV. In short, we find no reason to subject reef aquaria to high UV levels.

Shielding Aquarium Lamps
Hobbyists may think their aquaria are doing fine under unshielded lamps. We suggest that they can do even better by removing UV radiation. We’ve checked many “plastics” and Table Five lists the transmission properties. "

link on request...

Ruth 11-23-2005 12:08 AM

I have a reefgro 400W 14K mogul bulb that has been used for about 3 months that you can have. I could put it in the overnight mail to my head office in Calgary but you would have to go downtown to Bankers Hall to pick it up. Let me know tonight though as I will have to take it to work tomorrow and arrange for someone on the other end to recieve it and hold it.

StirCrazy 11-23-2005 12:47 AM


can you send me the link to what that is from please.


bear27 11-23-2005 11:35 AM

I have some 20,000k 400w mogals if you want call me 519-9978

danny zubot 11-23-2005 04:30 PM

Thanks everyone for your replies. As it turns out the vendor is going to replce the bulb for free, even though I was two days past the warranty expiration date. :biggrin:
Ruth, don't worry about it now I should get the replacement by the end of the week. Another local reefer PM'd me and said I could use his sun aquatics bulb in the mean time.

Again, thanks!

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