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golfbomber 11-11-2005 10:18 PM

how was everyones frags from
i ordered 6 zoos, only 3 colonies have opened half way the other three i am still waiting to see what colors they are, been in my tank for about 12 hours now hopefully the next 12 will be better. please share the good the bad and ugly! will post pix as they open. :cool:

monza 11-11-2005 11:48 PM

I ordered a bright pink postata, purple Cali Tort, purple blue Blasto and Joshua sold me a red yellow polyp frag.

The postata water was a bit murky and it was RTN'ing I placed it in the tank, it kept getting worse so I fraged it today only about 1cm left and I don't know how it will do.

Cali Tort is going to be a nice coral I think, deep dark purple.

Blasto is doing well looking better all the time.

The frag Joshua sold/traded me is tiny and I don't know how it's doing looks kind of alive.

Over all can't complain, it'll suck for sure if something doesn't make it. I think the water temp. got a little low when I got home from Tony's I tossed in a thermometer and it was 70.

I'll update if there are any big changes.


albert_dao 11-12-2005 03:34 AM


the montipora wasn't a frag, it was an incident of algae scraper/coral tip collision.

Delphinus 11-12-2005 05:59 AM

Things could have been worse for me. The Stylopora is in reasonable shape and has some pink to it still. But my Acro prostata is hurting. A couple white patches and colour totally gone. Hopefully if the coral recovers it will show a hint of colour to it in the future ... but for now it's a brown acro. Not even a hint of pink. But at least I do see some tiny polyp extension.

muck 11-12-2005 06:06 AM

My super alien eye acan looks pretty good. Lost a bit of color but should come back in no time.

P.S.Thanks Harvey for babysitting it for me for a few days.. :mrgreen:

Tarolisol 11-12-2005 06:50 AM

So far my zoos look ok i ordered 4. two have started to open up but very slowly.

meltdownaverted 11-12-2005 08:23 PM

So thats who snagged my purple/blue blasto, my replacement looks really nice though. Kinda peach coloured with green. Oxypora hasn't done anything yet but looks healthy. Alien eye Rhod. looks pretty nice. Ricordia was ripped almost in half, maybe I'll end up with two. There is also a really small one on the side. Indigo eyes favia was a block of white mush, but Joshua is refunding it. I'm pretty satisfied for the most part because you never see this stuf on the market locally.

Snappy 11-13-2005 01:28 AM

I picked up 6 pieces....2 stylo's - 1purple 1 pink (they both look pretty much the same), an ultimate Cali tort, a bali tri colour, a prostata & a pink with yellow tip acro ???? at least that's what the invoice said.
All are very small but in good shape. I picked mine up on Tuesday night and all seem healthy.....
( but very small :rolleyes: )

bnhreef 11-13-2005 02:52 AM

Where is from
Where is from? (Cali?)

muck 11-13-2005 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Snappy
I picked mine up on Tuesday night

You were in Edmonton Greg? :confused:

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