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rews 11-11-2005 01:55 AM

I have a 75 gallon tank
480W coralife light
60 lbs live rock
protein skimmer for 120 gallon tank
colt coral
green button pollyp
star polyp
plate coral
purple tipped anemone
2X O. clowns
mandarin goby
2X purple fire fish
2X cleaner shrimp

Here is my problem. My anemone just closed up, all of the tentacles deflated, and black goo started coming out of its mouth. I fed it this morning (mysis shrimp) on my way to work and he looked fine. after work I fed the fish and the anemone still looked all right. after supper he just started to close up and then the goo startedd to come out of his mouth. I tried looking for some info on the net and turned around and all of his tentacles are deflated. Whats going on?

scuglass 11-11-2005 02:01 AM

how long have u had the anemone ? have u added ne thing as of late that may be nipping at it ? what are ur parameters ? has it been moving around the tank? im no expert but it may have been expelling the stuff that photosynthesises for itzooantlite or something cant remember lo. maybee some one who hasmore experise can chime in

Beverly 11-11-2005 02:02 AM

I don't know what's going on, but here's RC's Anemone FAQ....

As well, here's RC's Anemones & Clownfish Forum....

BTW, Welcome to Canreef :biggrin:

rews 11-11-2005 02:05 AM

I've had the anemone about 2.5 months. He was my most recent addition. When i first got him he didn't like where I put him and up and moved to his current position and brushed against my heater. 7 damaged tentacles.

Sp gravity 1.023
KH 179 ppm
Nitrites 0
temp 79 F

vertex 11-11-2005 02:18 AM

I think you can safely wait till morning and see it back to its normal self. mine does this every now and then for a few hours as well. Had it for nearly a year now. An RBTA.

KrazyKuch 11-11-2005 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by vertex
I think you can safely wait till morning and see it back to its normal self. mine does this every now and then for a few hours as well. Had it for nearly a year now. An RBTA.

Your Anenome spits out black stuff everyonce and awhile.......Are your clown fish hosting you anenome????Cause we had an anenome that died after shooting stuff out of it's mouth...we found out afterwards that he died because our clowns were beating it to death!!!

rews 11-11-2005 06:23 AM

He is starting to "re-flate". Thanks for the info and Phew.

Chin_Lee 11-11-2005 07:01 AM

it was passing stool. don't worry about it.

meltdownaverted 11-11-2005 02:26 PM

You should raise your salinity slowly to 1.026. Lower salinity is okay for fish, but anemones are a little more delicate.

mr_alberta 11-11-2005 02:32 PM

Black stingy stuff is usually poop. Its the white stringy stuff you have to worry about. White stringy stuff is usually its own guts :eek:

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