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blood_hound 11-04-2005 12:55 PM

Anything new
Hey guys anybody been to B.A. or golds lately? Anything new or something iteresting to buy?

digital-audiophile 11-04-2005 02:03 PM

I was at Big Al's on Tuesday and it looked like they were getting a big fish shipment in. I think they have corals coming next week, but right now it is really sparse.


G1GY 11-04-2005 04:08 PM

Should be new stuff @ Gold this morning.

digital-audiophile 11-04-2005 04:33 PM

Does golds get in a lot of coral or mostly just fish? Most of what I have seen coral wise in store(and the couple frags I have bought) have been propagated from their own mother colonies.


OCDP 11-04-2005 05:29 PM

Gold's usually gets in good stock of both coral and fish, sometimes one more than the other. You have to be quick when shopping at Gold's your best time to go in is on Friday's (which is when their new shipment is in) Friday morning is even better... they sell stuff fast!

They have lots of nice SPS and other pieces but you'll notice lots is not yet for sale as they are trying to grow it all out to frag or whatever for people next year.


digital-audiophile 11-04-2005 07:47 PM

I stopped at Golds at lunch today. I didn't really see anything new and exciting in the way of coral but there were a lot of new fish. Lots of false clowns and awesome purple dottybacks if anyone is in the market. Some great seahorses too. I would love to try to keep them someday.


Hanner 11-04-2005 08:44 PM

i find when golds gets a shipment everyone knows before hand, then show up the day it comes in to clear them out.


Tarolisol 11-04-2005 09:04 PM

Golds had some nice fish today, i just missed out on the chevron tang, but there is an achilles tang there if anyone thinks they can give it the proper care it would be a wicked fish, plus the seahorses are awsome.

kari 11-04-2005 11:35 PM

Yup, we need a weekly volunteer on rotation to stop in there with a camera and note pad. Then they could promptly post the pics/notes to save me driving or missing out :lol: But then we would end up racing each other. Hmm.. forget that idea.

Tarolisol 11-05-2005 12:43 AM

they usually get there shipments thursday so if they posted at least a list of what they got in that would be wicked, hey albert.

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