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nano-man 10-10-2005 07:46 PM

hermit crab question?
This is my first time at this so take it esay on me.I've got a 8gallon sphere(looks like a gold fish bowl),Fluval1, desk lamp with CF,4.5lbs live rock.As for live stock,clown,nocternal goby,blue and black stripe legged hermits,2trubo snails,lipstick conch,emerald crab, striped mushroom,green star polyp.Every 4to6 weeks,i find one blue legged crab dead,BUT i still haven't lost the first one.Could two crabs share one shell?

fakename 10-10-2005 09:45 PM

I suspect that what you are finding is the molt of one of your they grow they shed their exoskeleton, leaving an empty shell of a crab for you to find.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 10-10-2005 09:48 PM

Agreed. You'll find that with most inverts like ornamental shrimp & hermits. As they grow, their outershells (exo-skeletons) don't, so they will shed it & a soft new one will allow them to expand a bit & give them some growing room. Within a few hours/a day, that new shell will harden & they'll be good to go.



WWWD 10-11-2005 12:58 AM

hermits are notorious for shell envy. they quite often will kill each other to grab the others shell. if you keep them in numbers it's a good idea to have a few spare empty shells in the sandbed for them to try on.

geopod 10-11-2005 01:23 AM


Add a couple of larger shells than the ones you have in there.I have found in my 90 gal.As the crabs are fighting for shells.One eventually gives up and moves out.I found him crawling along the rock without a shell and he moved into a hole in the rock.He is still there and its been since April.Mind you I have been away from home now since End of June and my wife says he is still in the rock.I think he is too scared to go back to the shells.But just like the others say as they grow they molt and the molt actually looks like a dead crab.


nano-man 10-11-2005 03:02 AM

Wow thanks, for the replys. Anyone know where to get a better sorce for shells. I've tried some of pet stores, but to no luck.Some say Art shops??

WWWD 10-11-2005 03:19 AM

ask the place where you buy your corals, they should have some. j&l will give them to you when you buy a clean up crew from them.

BCWolfen 10-11-2005 07:14 AM

I bought a great bag of shells from Michales craft store. Had to search through a few bags until I found one that had lots of 'crab suitable' shells. The bag cost about $5.00. I boiled the shells for a few minutes to make sure nothing was left in them. Crabs look great in their new fancy condos!

Manny 10-11-2005 04:45 PM

i go to the beach and get my shells. i guess you don't have that luxury where you live :mrgreen:

nano-man 10-15-2005 07:49 AM

Well, sorry I havent replyed. Thanks for all the info and I did go to mikes and got the shells.The crab in qestion, well he's changed shells 4now. Sorry again you'll know work before fun.

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