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qwiksilver 09-20-2005 12:25 AM

FS: Corals and clam
large bright green hydnophora - $50 SOLD

purple/blue maxima - $75 beautiful addition; massive mantle

hydno frag - $10

anyone interested in a bright orange/pink cap frag; this is a pic of the mother colony:

photos of corals at www site.

saltynuts 09-20-2005 10:25 PM

anything left

saltynuts 09-21-2005 12:09 AM

he he he. its mine its mine :evil:

michika 09-23-2005 02:51 AM

PM sent on clam

qwiksilver 09-24-2005 11:55 PM

New pics up top! :cool:

be fair 10-02-2005 11:16 PM

same pics on reef centeral
don't you think if you have such a bad infestation of flatworms,you should not sell anycorals for the time being,or atleast let people know ,so they can treat them before putting them in thier tank?

qwiksilver 10-02-2005 11:52 PM

Did you buy something from me and now have an outbreak?? :rolleyes: FWIW - be fair - when people first came over to buy corals, frags, I did tell about the flatworms. I'd feel aweful if people ended up with them. I would like to think that people would just come out and say ' Hey, I have a mess of flatworms... um, from the stuff I got off you. ' rather than just trying to badmouth me on the forum. :redface: Oh well, seeing as you are new on the forum (2 posts), maybe you didn't think you could just approach me. Well, you can. Oh, wait, you didn't create a new anonymous name just so you could badmouth me did you. :rolleyes: :confused: Looks like I have some learning to do. Be fair Be Fair.

Ruth 10-03-2005 12:09 AM

I'm sorry but I have to agree that you should inform if you have a bad flatworm problem. I am fortunate that I don't have any in my tank right now (knocks on desk, floor, head, and any other available wood). I would love to buy that clam off of you but really don't want to import these nasties. I know from reading the thread that you have treated and I hope you have them nuked. LMK I will be coming through Edmonton this coming up weekend.

be fair 10-03-2005 12:43 AM

well i urge every here to read my reply,i didnot bad mouth you in anyform,you are the one that is complaining about flatworm infestations,i just happen to check this site after i was on rc,so i am merely stating the obvious,if you are a reefer & a fair person,you would not pass your problems that you call cockroaches to other people (with all due respect)
& yea i never posted on this forumbut i have been reefing for 2 years&i amnot a complete newbe,you might be more experienced than i am,however i know enough that flat worm are bad &not to pass them along

michika 10-03-2005 12:45 AM

Be Fair,

While you urge us all to read your replies, it would be nice if you would please take the time to re-read and edit your posts. While your point may be valid it is not coming accross very clearly due to the format of your post.

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