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qwiksilver 09-07-2005 12:12 PM

FS: Corals and LR
Yellow with green centre Bali Aquacultrured Acro; medium turbinaria; brown acro with baby blue tips; blue acro frags x 2; blue tip staghorn frag; Loripes Acro frag - cream with baby blue tips - frag; most frags on one large flat rock, buy all or individually; rock with sweet arch cave with 2Large green rhodactis mushrooms; large rock with blue/purple mushrooms; rock with anthelia; hydnophora frag; medium Pavona (cactus?) sps

First come first serve.

Live sand giveaway to whomever wants it. When you come to pick stuff up, bring a container.

rusty 09-07-2005 01:28 PM

Hi I am interested in the frag rock with the blue tip acro, blue tip stag and the Loripes :biggrin: How much and I could pick them up tonight :biggrin: My name is Russ you can call me on my cell today 722 9429 or PM me and I will check when I get home from work around 5:00 pm Thanks

saltynuts 09-07-2005 01:42 PM

i am would like some too you got pm

saltynuts 09-07-2005 01:47 PM

back away form the frags. its ok we can help you. RUSTY

TRS 09-07-2005 06:51 PM

PM sent.

qwiksilver 09-07-2005 10:49 PM

Not really wanting to ship as I have no experience and know they will go quick here in town.

I also have for sale:[/b]

5 chromis - $2 each

1 percula - $10

1 sandsifting star - $10

1 coralbanded shrimp - $15

saltynuts 09-07-2005 11:01 PM

ill take them too see you tommorrow night @ 5:30 6:00
wahoo new stuff for ed!

qwiksilver 09-08-2005 12:07 PM

I forgot, I also have a large colony of green star polyps I have to part with. Rock weighs 4lbs. Tongs. $40

All acro frags sold. Still have one yellow/green bali aquacultured colony left. $50

frag of green hydnophora. $15

LR still left. mix of walt smith and tonga. $4/lb

mr_alberta 09-08-2005 01:52 PM


Do you have a picture of the Bali colony?


qwiksilver 09-08-2005 10:04 PM

If you go to my link www, and look at the fourth photo across, it is the colony at the top left.

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