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cpenner 08-27-2005 09:28 PM


Can anyone recommend some good articles on setting up a FOWLR...

My concern is how much it differs from a reef system (i.e. equipment, filter, etc.)

Thanks a lot!


martym 08-27-2005 09:39 PM

From what I've read, (and their isn't much) It is the same set up. Except for the lighting.

cpenner 08-27-2005 09:45 PM


What about mechanical filtration? I currently don't have a mechanical filtration system... I use a fluval from time to time for carbon, but that's it.

Is it recommended to run carbon and mechanical filtration at all, or will that just lead to high nitrates.


Skimmerking 08-27-2005 10:05 PM

well you can still run a DSb for the Nitrates. Or if you have lots of LIVE ROCK In the tank you can run A BB check into HGTVGUY he has a 300 FOWLR with Star board

remember with a FOWLR you need a good skimmer if you have bigger fish in there and the lighting doesnt have to be that great.

martym 08-27-2005 10:11 PM

Yeh, i would run canister filter, I do in reef tank as well. Carbon IMO is good so long as you change it frequently in a reef. in FO, I would change every2-3 weeks.

cpenner 08-27-2005 10:15 PM

I got a remora Aqua C with the options of Mag 3 or 7 to run it...

I have 70 lbs or rock in there right now, but I think I want to go with about 30 - 50.

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