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cpenner 08-20-2005 05:23 PM

FS: LPS - Burnaby - Edit: All pending sales
I would like to sell these by next weekend as I have to move. I am busy today, but I am free all day Sunday, and then evenings during the week starting around 7 until 11.

First come first serve. I don't have any bags or containers at the moment, so please bring some if you can!

Candy Cane - 20+ heads - $20 - Pending Sale
Pearl Bubble - quite big - $25 - Pending Sale
Red Brain - Medium Sized - $20 - Pending Sale
Torch Coral - 2 heads - $20 - Pending Sale
Red Zoos - 20+ - $20 - Pending Sale
Branching Frogspawn - 7 heads - $20 - Pending Sale

I also have some Jakarta live rock, around 60 lbs. I want less rock, as I will probably be setting a FOWLR after the move, so if you are interested in a few pieces, let me know.

Thanks a lot! I will post some pictures tonight.

Edit: Feel free to call me.... I am going to moving all day and may not answer the phone, but I will return your call. Chad @ 778-881-7044

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-20-2005 05:51 PM

PM sent.

Xtasia 08-20-2005 06:14 PM

Dammit Anthony!!

Interested in the Brain, Pearl and Torch.

Please let me know if I managed to put dibs on anything :P haha

I live by you and will come anytime you want.


cpenner 08-20-2005 06:27 PM

Yikes! So many responses all ready.

I'll contact everyone who has messaged me to let you know what's happening.

GobiGurl 08-20-2005 06:59 PM

Trying to gather a few things for Griffins eventual setup, if there is anything left over, please call me.



Petcrazy 08-20-2005 07:17 PM

Very bad Anthony!
Let me know about the red zoos and the candy cane...

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-20-2005 07:45 PM


wasn't fast enough on the keyboard this time. Save your wrath for Himself.


HimSelf 08-20-2005 08:07 PM

oh my God...
Oh my God I was the first this time :eek:

This is will go down in the books for sure :biggrin:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-20-2005 08:15 PM

Yeah, but aren't you moving to Nanaimo in a couple of weeks? What's gonna happen to your fish & corals during the move?

Petcrazy 08-20-2005 09:13 PM

Be really carefull with that, do you already have an established tank waiting for the corals in Nanaimo?

Hopefully some of them will make the move.

Good luck!

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