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HimSelf 07-26-2005 04:50 AM

How much and What kind of light for my 20gal?
Hi there I'm working on a 20gal tank. I would like to have some Anemone and soft coral like torch, and some polips.

I'm thinking to get 130watt power compact and my tank is about 16 inch deep. Do you think that is enough light? :question:

Chad 07-26-2005 06:47 PM

yes, should be just fine. I ran my 20gal nano on 110w 10k PC bulbs for over a year. So.. you should have no problems.

Btw, what type of anenome, I just noticed you did not mention, Rose BTA's would do fine but some of the others not so well.

And I had similar corals in my system.

HimSelf 07-27-2005 12:35 AM

I'm thinkng
I was hoping to get some buble tip anemone and maybe long tentcles later

Bob I 08-19-2005 06:32 PM

I have always had good luck with Anemones under PC lighting. :biggrin:

OCDP 08-19-2005 07:31 PM

I'll second that... used 2x65w PC on my 20g and the BTA's and RBTA thrives.

Let me just SUGGEST... you will thank me later if you go this route. Metal halides.... it's the best way to go. A 150w HQI over a 20g is amazing... just a thought.

waltermus 08-20-2005 01:36 AM

I also have a 20gal and im using a 175w 10K XM MH (with 2 actinics) , its really nice. the extra light is great if u decide to go with some sps or clams. If u look around, u can prolly find some used MH stuff for the same price as a new set of PC's or T5's or u can try making a canopy urself. Only problem that could arise is higher temps, but that's easily fixed with a fan. Good luck!!


Matt 08-20-2005 03:24 AM

I will very soon have a Coralife 24" 2x65w light for sale. PM me if you're interested.


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