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Majestic_Aquariums 07-22-2005 04:24 AM

New stand that's in the works
Here's a sketch of a stand that Rob is currently planning...


impreza 07-22-2005 04:25 AM

Nice isometric sketch!

Majestic_Aquariums 07-22-2005 04:31 AM

Ug...Thanks! Not perfect by any means, but it gives you the idea hopefully!

Willow 07-22-2005 05:18 AM

do you think something that ornate takes away from the contents of the tank?

Dez 07-22-2005 12:12 PM

are those upper 2 additions refugiums?


Majestic_Aquariums 07-22-2005 12:20 PM

No, their going to just be open glass shelves I guess.

All equipment will be underneth-total space of 10'. Viewed all 4 sides.

Too ornate, maybe. But I am hoping the 330 gal. reef in time may grab your eye quicker. I know Jim Barry's tank stands out super compared to the stand.

Looking forward to getting started though. I have already started cutting all the real stone for the base.

StirCrazy 07-23-2005 02:50 PM

so is this a DIY project or somthing your company is making for sale?


Majestic_Aquariums 07-23-2005 08:47 PM

It's a project for us; to be our new reef.

Reefhawk1 07-24-2005 01:02 AM

Very Nice :cool:

Uprok 07-24-2005 02:45 AM

Is it meant for a home or for a business? Way to much I think. Is the focus the tank or the large object its perched in...

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