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Delphinus 07-17-2005 05:18 AM

The bar has been raised!
Big thank you to Jim and his family for hosting an awesome fish nerd party!

I enjoyed very much chatting with everyone, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to chat with everyone there. I hope next time comes not too far in the future.

Very nice system Jim.

A big tip of the hat to all the out of towners who came. Wow, you guys rock.

Meeting the folks in this hobby has to be one of the greatest parts of it. :cool:

And a big thanks to all who donated goodies. :biggrin:

ungp 07-17-2005 05:23 AM

Definitely a lot of fun meeting all of u,

and thanks to Jim and family for hosting...


Mitch#3 07-17-2005 05:54 AM

How the hell did you two beat me to the board :question: :question:

Great Party
In the words of the Bard (J Buffet)

"As I stumbled to find me a taxi
I saw a note pinned to my sleeve.
It was a pleasure and a hell of an evening
It was truly our night to win
But the authorities insist on my leaving
Take care, my American friend

Emily B Wow your tanks are fantastic, nice to meet you eye to eye :lol: Hats off to a superior reefkeeper..Find a post where I have said that :mrgreen:

Tony very cut kid :mrgreen:

Jim thanks a million, nice system relax its all good

Captain it was a pleasure :lol: :confused:

Golden69 aaron it was great to meet you, will contact you soon, any time you want to get together call I've sent you my cel phone via pm... I am in Van every other week :biggrin:

Christie it was a pleasure and a hell of an evening You are EXQUISITE When I said "if I was single and ten years younger you would be in trouble" I lied :redface:

If I was single you would be in trouble :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Thanks to all that attended it was great FUN

vertex 07-17-2005 06:16 AM

Great party and setup Jim and family, and to all who came out!! Being the first frag meet I've been to and new to reefing, it was awesome to meet a bunch of you and we really had a great time!!!

Especially thanks to all the donators and effort put in to organize that, very cool and really some great donations!!

Hope to talk to more of you now as well online and at future meets!!!

Thanks everyone,

Mike and Connie

Samw 07-17-2005 06:18 AM

Where are the pics? :lol:

vertex 07-17-2005 06:23 AM

I think they are heading back to Edmonton? There were lots taken so I'm sure they will come soon...

albert_dao 07-17-2005 07:07 AM


EmilyB 07-17-2005 08:50 AM

Albert...did you learn cryptic humor from me.... :razz: :lol:

Super party Jim. :biggrin: We should make you reef party co-ordinator :mrgreen:

I hate my prize tho..... :lol: damn carbon filters..... :mrgreen:

golden69_ca 07-17-2005 09:45 AM

just got home , thanx for all the hospitaliy. maybe next one you all can drive out here :lol:

thanx aaron hope to see you all soon

i can bring you some more carbon filters :lol: emilyb next time im in town :lol:

snaggle 07-17-2005 10:12 AM

that was a great time and a LONG LONG drive home after geting lost for a while ( I will let Lee tell that story). I am looking forward to the next one.
Thanks Jim.


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