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AndyL 06-17-2005 02:54 AM

2.75 - The Final countdown
Well, I'm about to treat this tank for flatworms, and will probably upgrade to a 5g at the same time... So here's some parting shots

Whole tank:
Left side, love this shot, just missed the male blue banded pipe though... He was in frame as I pressed the button
Center right
Love my ric - colors aren't near as nice in digital form
Goby saying Hi again, down in the valley these are his favorite perches

I love this tank, Really hate to tear it down...


AJ_77 06-17-2005 03:59 AM

It's funny when your "left side," "center" and "right side" pics are macro shots. :mrgreen:

AndyL 06-17-2005 04:07 AM

Didn't figure the fields of GSP and brown clove polyps (or the damn aiptasia) made for nice shots, not much in the foreground...

Not sure on macro either - it's an old camera - 2x digital zoom the "macros" were actually created by moving the camera closer to the tank :)


albert_dao 06-19-2005 02:18 AM

Is that the white star polyp I gave you on the left there?

AndyL 06-19-2005 03:54 AM

Yep, it sure is, amazing how thick it's growing in!

Thanks again Albert!


Dorkel Marine 1 06-19-2005 05:53 AM

Goby ID
Andy, great little tank. I was wondering what the species of Goby is thats in a couple of your pics of your great little tank. I have a 29 gal and a 20gal tank and I'm looking for a goby for the the 20 gal. Two watchmen gobies for the 29gal tank.

Thanks in advance

AndyL 06-19-2005 03:04 PM

That's a red headed goby (Elacatinus puncticulatus).

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