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Beverly 06-01-2005 10:37 PM

Our New Itty, Bitty Friend
Got this very tiny latticed butterfly last week for our 120g softie tank. It's finally eating up a storm after a shaky start competing with five blue/green chromis that have been in the tank for a couple of months and act like I never feed them :razz: Size comparison is about right, though I think the chromis is a little closer to the camera giving it a slightly larger appearance than it actually is. But make no mistake, the butterfly is really tiny, slightly less than 2" in length:

Richer 06-01-2005 11:15 PM

Thats a great looking butterfly. I look forward to seeing future pictures of it when it's grown up :razz:


OCDP 06-01-2005 11:37 PM

Nice :cool: .. I bet he's pretty fun to watch.. small fish, maybe it's just me haha

andestang 06-02-2005 03:20 AM

Great score Bev. I have'nt seen a small Butterfly for ages.

muck 06-02-2005 04:13 AM

Great looking fish Bev... but are you sure hes not going to clean the tank of all your softies..?? :eek: :eek:


Originally Posted by
It requires a 70 gallon or larger aquarium that has numerous hiding places and peaceful community members. In the wild, it will prey on hard and soft corals, zoanthids, and/or anemones. If the fish is asleep or stressed, it will get a dark spot on the front of the body.

Murminator 06-02-2005 04:21 AM

Hey nice fishy :mrgreen: ..........not to rain on your parade but wasn't someone giving one away because it ate all their zoos?

muck 06-02-2005 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Murminator
Hey nice fishy :mrgreen: ..........not to rain on your parade but wasn't someone giving one away because it ate all their zoos?

I think that was a Pearlscale..

EmilyB 06-02-2005 04:49 AM

Reminds me of my black back and pakistani. Yah, they will eat the softies/zoos for sure. Bah, it's a trade off for beautiful fish !

Beverly 06-02-2005 11:01 AM

This fish was eating zoos in Cindy's tank, but I no longer have zoos in any tank. The 120g has GSP, brown star polyps, loads of zenia, shrooms, various macroalgae. The 120g also once housed a much larger pearlscale (RIP :cry: ) that did nibble the corals and MA in that tank. But the 120g was set up to house either a dwarf angel or a butterfly, so I don't mind the coral nibbling. Just love this little fish already :cool: Has the personality of our pearlscale, only much, much smaller :lilangel:

danny zubot 06-02-2005 05:37 PM

Hey Bev, are there any type of butterfly that don't nibble at zoos and other corals. I'd love to get one but not at the expense of my corals.

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