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loggix 05-26-2005 05:13 PM

lt anemone
hi just purchased a lt anemone for my clown fish aweek ago
and i have red slime algae all over my sand it is in one corner of my tank
attached to the side of one of my live rocks but itslooking a bit weird
kinda brownish in spots rather than the green and white it was before
should i be concerned?

phreezee 05-26-2005 06:31 PM

Same thing here, it's a PT condy. Turned brown intsead of white like in the store. Been like that for a couple of months now.

DanG 05-26-2005 06:59 PM

What kind of lighting are you using? Water parameters?

loggix 05-26-2005 07:45 PM

bt anemone
im using a coralife 2x65 pc fixture w/ 10,000 k and actinics
my water my nitrates are at 20 on my color chart hagen
ammonias are at about the same level my ph havent checked yet
but if have red algae isnt that a sign of high ph? not too sure
still new at this thanx for your time

Beermaster 05-26-2005 09:15 PM

Nitrates at 20 and same with ammonia?

that sounds high to me, might wanna look at a doing a couple water changes over the next couple weeks to get thoughs levels down a bit

How big of a tank, your lighting sounds a bit week as well

danny zubot 05-26-2005 10:34 PM


Turned brown intsead of white like in the store

kinda brownish in spots rather than the green and white
Guys, this is a good thing because when you bought those anemones they were bleached.

Inside of your anemones and in many other corals lives zooanthalae algea, this is what causes them to "glow" green or red in color under low frequency lighting. (actinic) Sometimes during transport or because of poor water conditions an anemone will expel its zooanthalae algea from its mouth. This "browing" of color you are witnessing is just the algae growing back. It usually appears as spots, but will gradually grow over the whole creature leavng it healthy and vibrant.

Zooanthalae is important for the well being of your anemones because they will actually feed on it in times when external food is scarce. Keep them well fed and they will return to the natural beauty you will find in the wild.


loggix 05-27-2005 05:50 AM

thank you, i thought it was dieing
great news

danny zubot 05-27-2005 02:02 PM

Well, your anemone should be fine but you might want to do something about that red slime algae or cyano bacteria as it is otherewise known.

loggix 05-27-2005 04:07 PM

lt anemone
so dosome water changes, cut down on my feeding amounts
lower my photo period, and another question will chemi clean
work effective on red slime or is there something better

Willow 05-27-2005 04:19 PM

what you really need to do is up your cirulation. you should notice so quick results doing that.

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