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lynn53 05-23-2005 04:08 PM

160 gallon for sale!
I'm selling my 160 FOWLR ..30"h x 48'w x 2' deep..goes with all equipment. euroreef skimmer, 24 gph return pump, one m/h and pc's and live rock, heater etc. (also a eel and couple fish if you want)
comes with a oak cabinet and top (built by a professional cabinet maker) in the med oak stain.
first $2,000. takes all

Lynn McKinney

Aquattro 05-23-2005 05:22 PM

Lynn, maybe let people know where you are..

afreshoutlook 05-23-2005 05:59 PM

location, location, location
Sorry aboout that, I am located in North Vancouver


Dez 05-23-2005 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by reef_raf
Lynn, maybe let people know where you are..

Lynn is from Edmonton.


Jeff 05-23-2005 08:11 PM

Where you are would definitely be useful. I've been on the lookout for a used 30"+ tall 4' tank for a while...if you are indeed in North Van we might have a sale :)

One question...24gph is a bit slow for a pump, I'm assuming that's a typo of some sort?


lynn53 05-23-2005 09:45 PM

sorry jeff, too bad...thought you were closer
(the return is 2400 gallon)


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