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Fish 04-17-2005 04:40 PM

My 2gal nano - with new improved video link
Here is what the tank looks like now:

My bicolor blenny jumped one day so I replaced it with this yellow clown goby:

I think this guy is a much better choice for a little tank like this.

Fish 04-17-2005 04:46 PM

And my most favorite ever:

Sexy shrimp!

My tank has the following livestock:

- assorted zoos
- pulsing xenia
- assorted mushrooms
- ricordia
- colt
- gsp
- devils hand (thanks Polo)
- candy cane

- yellow clown goby
- porcelin anemone crab
- three sexy shrimp
- five stomatella
- four cerith
- one margerita/nerite

(I did make an impulse purchase and bought a "candy cane goby" that was supposed to host in candycane coral. I now think that they are only called that because of their color and not because of what they host in. I have also read online that they might even be a brackish fish :frown: )

What do you think?

- Chad

Ryan 04-17-2005 05:03 PM

WOW Chad awsome love the sexy shrimp. Where do u get them?

Fish 04-17-2005 05:05 PM

Thanks Ryan. Big Als Calgary. $10/each!

Ryan 04-17-2005 05:12 PM

Holy that was a steal.

christyf5 04-17-2005 11:17 PM

Do you have any pics of the candy cane goby? I'm intrigued :biggrin:

Christy :)

Fish 04-17-2005 11:26 PM


You bet, here she is:

Like I said, I made a mistake by purchasing it on the spot without researching first. Maybe I'll get lucky though...

- Chad

christyf5 04-18-2005 02:24 AM

:eek: What a beautiful fish. I'm jealous! :mrgreen: I hope it works out for you.

Christy :)

edit: found him :wink: Looks like Trimma cana to me

Definitely marine

Of course, if you're worried about him you can always send him to me :razz:

Fish 04-18-2005 02:54 AM

Thanks for finding that for me! And if it diesn't work out in this tank I will let you know. :smile:

- Chad

Willow 04-18-2005 04:49 AM

when does the new light rig come in chad?

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