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mecka 04-11-2005 09:32 PM

Hydro Cost's
OK i just received my bill for the last 2 mos $321.00 and the the bill before that was $385.00 .Is this normal?it seem s to me that the bills use to be around 150.00 so it has doubled.What are your Guys bills running at.
here is a list of thinks running

3 250w Mh on tar ballast's (9hrs a day)
2 165w vho's (5 hrs a day)
1 cs8-1 Skimmer
1 powerhead
1 250w heater
1 mag 18 for closed loop
1 mag 12 for return pump
2 icecap 4" fans (9 hrs a day)

Quinster 04-12-2005 02:20 AM

I am running 4x250w MH, 4x40w actinic, 3 MAG 18's, 1 MAG 250, 2 AC 802's, plus my whole house and heat my garage with electric heat and mine is $180/mo.

mecka 04-12-2005 02:59 AM

i will call hydro out tomorrow ,could be a bad meter.Or something else is drawing to much .I have had my HRV running from oct-mar 15 ,so i am not sure if that would cause the increase.With the HRV and Furnace fan running 24-7?

Quinster 04-12-2005 11:56 AM

my furnace fan also runs 24/7...oh and a large dehumidfier all winter. Plus I run all types of shop equipment in my garage, compressor, mig welder....I would agree with a call to hydro.

Doug 04-12-2005 01:34 PM

Thats pretty high. Reminds me of the ole heating bills in Thompson when it was -40 for over a month.

My previous tank with three 400w halides and a couple of 100w plus pumps, was not even close to that.

The HRV draws minimal power.

littlesilvermax 04-13-2005 03:04 AM

I had a similiarly huge hydro bill. Nov & Dec $285. Seemed about normal. Jan & Feb $605. I was shocked. Hydro actually sent over someone to check my reading because they figured I screwed up. The only thing I can think of is Nov & Dec was estimated.

mecka 04-13-2005 03:55 PM

Well phoned hydro ,and the guy was no help at all.He said that i must have added something new in those months.I asked if someone could check my meter,but of course there is a $35.00 charge.i guess i will have to wait and see on the next bill.I am not running the Hrv and duct heater right know,as it is not needed.

littlesilvermax 04-13-2005 07:09 PM

I think my HRV only uses 2.1 amps, and it is a fairly large unti. A duct heater can use a lot of power though. I would argue that you don't need a duct heater except when it is really cold.

DanG 04-13-2005 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by littlesilvermax
I had a similiarly huge hydro bill. Nov & Dec $285. Seemed about normal. Jan & Feb $605. I was shocked. Hydro actually sent over someone to check my reading because they figured I screwed up. The only thing I can think of is Nov & Dec was estimated.

They estimate one month, come out and read the next and bill you for the difference. The only time they estimate twice is if they can't get to the meter for whatever reason(9 feet of snow, dog, etc).

littlesilvermax 04-13-2005 08:12 PM

Mine goes in two month increments. So the check it every 4 months.

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