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Invigor 03-07-2005 02:44 AM

what drew you into marine tanks?
for me, it was the clams.. I saw a clam in a local's tank that sucked me in like a vortex.

christyf5 03-07-2005 03:24 AM

For me it was a marine betta at one our local stores. Eventually I realized he wasn't the fish for me but I still love them.

snaggle 03-07-2005 03:31 AM

for me it was the challenge and the clown fish. but nemo ruined them for me :evil:


Coldwater 03-07-2005 03:49 AM

The morays dragged me in.


Willow 03-07-2005 03:51 AM

regal angel.

Murminator 03-07-2005 04:03 AM

Coral did it for me :mrgreen:

Willow 03-07-2005 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Murminator
Coral did for me :mrgreen:

i would like to have said coral but when i started keeping marine tanks there wasn't much reef type stuff available to the general public. i think feather dusters and cleaner shrimp were considered out there.

AJ_77 03-07-2005 04:45 AM

For sure the FISH - hypnotic, dazzling, astounding, a stoner's dream. :mrgreen:

Cap'n 03-07-2005 04:56 AM

I had been without a fish tank for many years when a guy I worked with told me he would sell me his complete saltwater system. I had no idea it was now so easy to keep marine fish, so I jumped at the chance!

takphan 03-07-2005 05:44 AM

after a visit to Sea World and Birch Aquarium at UCSD's Scripps Institute, they gave me the nudge to jump from fresh water to salt water.

before that we are just contend with cichlid and angels

very glad that the coversion took place :)


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