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Invigor 02-03-2005 01:04 PM

i must just be a baby, but doom3 is an incredibly scary game to play..maybe I should play with the lights off, it's such a friggen dark game...

even the first level makes my skin crawl :rolleyes:

Chad 02-03-2005 03:37 PM

Yeah, its a bit freaky... especialy on the first level when you go back after everything has been released and you go into the bathroom!! look in the mirror... lol.. jumped back..

They defiantly got the creep factor in good with that game.

Willow 02-03-2005 04:01 PM

i used to play doom2 in the dark late at night and scream like a little girl. im sure d3 would leave a load in my pants.

i had a link to some english guy playing d3 with the lights out littlery loosing it, his friend winds up breaking into the run and the guy nearly passes out. to bad the link is dead because its worth watching.

Invigor 02-03-2005 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chad
Yeah, its a bit freaky... especialy on the first level when you go back after everything has been released and you go into the bathroom!! look in the mirror... lol.. jumped back..

They defiantly got the creep factor in good with that game.

oh man, if i go into the bathroom now, i'm gonna start sweating and anticipating the poop shooting out of my pants.. :frown:

i get incredible goosebumbs when those monsters that throw fireballs at you shreik, they're tough to kill :(

Quinn 02-03-2005 09:18 PM

Yup... got it within weeks of release and I don't think I'm even halfway through... I can only play for an hour or so at a time. Too much stress.

Dabbler 02-03-2005 09:45 PM

One of the things I hated about the game is that no matter how hard you look there is always 1 or 2 monsters/things attacking you from behind. Poping out of walls,floor or ceiling in every room. It just got to repeditive and I turned it off. Another thing can't they put the flashlight on the gun? :rolleyes:

I enjoyed Halflife 2 better even tho the game was shorter in play time the story and the gunplay was great. You also had to think too, I loved all the puzzels they put into the game. I just love sticking guys to the wall with the crossbow and watch them dangle there :cool:

Invigor 02-03-2005 10:43 PM

i like hl2 much more..i bought hl2 the minute it came on sale and was hooked to it for like 3 days...i installed doom3 and quit playing it after about 15 minutes so i could breathe again (last night at 2am)

roclimber 02-04-2005 03:09 AM

I agree with you, except i finished Doom3 before i got HL2. I enjoyed HL2 way much more, more interaction and puzzle solving, action is just as good. Although it's missing the shock factor where there are monster jump out of no where or from the back constantly.

Overall, i think Doom3 is very similar to previous version other than some improvement on more intense and detail graphics. In my opinion, i feel my money is well spent on HL2 more so than Doom3.

Skimmerking 02-04-2005 08:48 PM

I'm an old duke 3d fan still love the game. Use to play death matches on TEN before they went under. Use to hold my own pretty good.

Quinn 02-04-2005 11:27 PM

That might be another reason I don't like Doom 3... it doesn't draw you in on every level. The whole run-around-a-mazelike-map-while-searching-for-a-keycard thing is very 1994.

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