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mwm 01-24-2005 05:34 AM

My fish Tanks and fish!
Im new here so i thought id post some pictures of my fish and tanks
Heres my male jack dempsey in my 55gallon tank

Heres the male and female after they breed

Heres the fry before they all died!

Tank shot of the 55g

Marbel Angel

My pleco

And a tank shot of my community tank

muck 01-24-2005 05:39 AM

Nice pictures mwm, and Welcome to the board!!!

Your Jacks look super nice. I remember mine back in the day... :cool:

mwm 01-24-2005 05:40 AM

Thanks :cool:

air*force*one 01-28-2005 05:57 AM

nice shots matt nice to see you on this bord!

mwm 01-29-2005 11:09 PM


Ryan 01-29-2005 11:43 PM

Ahh the jack dempsey one of my favourite of the bigger new world cichlids. You male is awsome nice female too. If you ever upgrade i would suggest Jaguar cichlids with those dempseys they will bring out each others colours. Nice angels too. Welcome aboard. :biggrin:

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