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Goomba 02-27-2022 08:21 PM

YYC Shutdown: $100 colonies
Full colonies priced to move, tank looks like crap but if you are even halfway confident to color stuff up again there is some crazy nice stuff here.

Some colonies are fully grown onto rock, you get the rock "free" but there is hair algae and some aiptasia on it and who knows what else as the rock is actual ocean rock with all the critters good or bad.

Everything $100 each:

Chalices (All three): purple with pink speckles, two green with orange speckles

Chalice (one each): blue with yellow eyes and green rim, red with green eyes and yellow rim

Jack-o-lantern on rock

Green and purple Symphyllia

One large black cherry blasto, or one small and small yellow tiger blasto. Also in pic orange/blue/green rainbow bowerbanki:

Euphyllia each, blue hammer, pink hammer, green octo (two available), gold indo hammer (two available, one for $100, extra large one for $200), also in pic yellow and red symphillia on rock with bam-bam zoas

Rainbow acans, super nice if they're your specialty. Full colonies purple lightning, orange creamsicle, red candycane. Also small ones in pic all four $100.

Aussie Lobos: orange rainbow (two available), geen and pink (two available), one small colony of each/combo $100 as well

Not shown for LPS are: a trio of goneastrea frags (toxic splatter, yellow eye, large polyp green with orange stripes) all three $100. Plain green Pectinia but with crazy nice red and yellow stripes on tips, its small but gets cool when it grows $100.

Acros, full colonies $100 each:
Strawberry shortcake type on rock.
False Myagi (more creamy colored) on rock with red favia.
Blue Siamensis on rock.
Greenish pink flyod type acro on rock with blue eye maze brain.
Green prostrata on rock with pink favia.
Pearlberry type, think its loose.

Also a couple rock pieces covered in various zoas bam-bam, dragon eye, mandarins. I dont know how big some of these rocks are $40-$100 based on size.

Only available late weekday evenings, all day weekends. PM me your number if your interested and we can set up pick up times.

Thanks for looking!

Goomba 03-02-2022 10:35 PM

Those pics are pretty washed out, got some slightly better ones that show everything I think.

Goomba 03-06-2022 08:25 PM

Price drop to move this stuff:

Everything $20-$60 based entirely on size, doesn't matter what it is.

Gold indo hammer
Blue hammer
Pink hammer
Green octospawn
Orange lobo
Pink/green lobo
Red chalice
Pink chalice
Orange chalice
Blue chalice
Red symphyllia
Purple/green symphyllia
Highlighter pectina
Purple lightning rainbow acan
Orange creamsicle rainbow acan
Red candycane rainbow acan
Sunburst rainbow acan
Tiger rainbow acan
Orange/green acan
Blue/green acan
Yellow tiger blasto
Black cherry blasto
Orange/green/blue rainbow bowerbanki
Acro colonies on rocks
Zoa colonies on rocks

EDQ 03-06-2022 09:01 PM

Please text me 778 872 3080 zoa colonies.


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Daniel0112 08-19-2022 02:03 AM

Are these still available?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Daniel0112 08-19-2022 02:04 AM

Please send me text if its available at 778-855-7941

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

alex0405 08-19-2022 06:13 AM

Please text me if anything is still available @778-829-3999

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