Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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eternitybc 01-31-2022 01:48 AM

LF: Quarantined Fish
I'm looking for someone who quarantines and treats fish, ideally locally. Or corals. My quarantine process is painful and I want to go straight to the display without risk

Carson. 01-31-2022 03:36 AM

I'd be interested in QTing fish for you.

I use copper power (a chelated copper), API General Cure, Seachem Focus, Selcon, epsom salts, as well as formalin (formaldehyde) and methylene blue.

With these medications I can treat the major diseases that one would want to treat for; marine ich, marine velvet, brooklynella hostilis (a.k.a clownfish disease), uronema, various bacterial infections, and external parasites.

I do not currently use the tank transfer method, and the QT process I use would take at the very least 30 days.

Located in South Delta, Pm if you'd be interested.

eternitybc 01-31-2022 09:56 PM

What kind of system do you have? We’re looking for 20-30 fish, mostly tangs, so would have to large batches to prevent fighting when we add them

Carson. 01-31-2022 11:12 PM

30g long. Ideal for QT. Any larger and you just waste money on medication.

I have dividers to partition the system. I'll be QTing lots of tangs for my own system too.

It would be ideal to source the fish as juveniles, in that case tank space will be less of a problem in terms of swimming room, aggression, filtration, etc. This is especially the case with tangs.

I have a pretty big inventory of food for herbivores too.

I don't know what tangs or other fish you'll be keeping so I can't really recommend how to go about adding them. Again, feel free to PM me and we can discuss this in more detail via text.

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