Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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tinhorse 05-09-2021 04:26 AM

18" Snowflake Eel
Awesome 18" snowflake Eel. Great feeder and personality. Just getting a little large for the tank. Text for pictures. Looking for $60 or trade for a ribbon eel.
250 731-6548

Located in Port Alberni


Carson. 05-09-2021 05:44 AM

In any rush to sell? Can probably buy with a month, if not two. I imagine itll appreciate a 300g.

tinhorse 05-09-2021 08:08 PM

No big rush to sell, but sooner the better....when you're set up let me know as there isn't a huge market with people with large tanks looking for eels. Lol.

Carson. 05-09-2021 09:09 PM

I wanted a snowflake eel anyway. Im also keen to get started so I hope I'll be up and running soon.

tinhorse 06-22-2021 05:19 PM

Looks to be sold. Thanks

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