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1bigstud 09-27-2020 05:21 AM

Fish food
Need some advice,

Currently in my tank Ive got a regal tang, flame hawk a couple wrasses and some damsels.

I'm going tonadd some gobies and blennies.

Currently I feed once a day and I alternate between frozen mysis and brine cubes.

Im thinking I'll have to feed more to keep the fish on bottom fed.

What are some good flakes or pellets to supplement feeding with?

Thanks in advance

LifeIsGreat 09-27-2020 07:18 PM

You will also need some quality plant based food for the tang or it will run the risk of developing lateral line disease. Enriched spirulina flakes and algae sheets will keep your tang healthy. This happened to my yellow tang when I was away from the house for two months and the fish sitter didn’t feed daily with plant based food, just normal flakes and shrimp pellets. The tang was skinny, had fin die back, and was very shy. I got it back on its proper diet and it fattened up, grew its fins back, and was its normal passive aggressive self.

1bigstud 09-28-2020 06:21 AM

I do feed algae twice a week, plus ive got some algae in the tank for them to graze on.
I was more looking for a good brand of peelets or flakes for the smaller fish

DKoKoMan 09-29-2020 09:22 PM

I have been using vitalis marine pellets for over 2 years now. I find most my fish will get in there and eat the pellets no problem. Also I have found that this particular pellet hasn’t caused huge nutrient spikes in my tank ��

1bigstud 09-30-2020 04:20 AM


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