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Lyndonjames 02-28-2020 12:57 PM

LF Seahorses

I am looking for seahorses. Any other species other than hippocampus erectus. Send me a message if you have any or know anyone 👍

Thank you,

rayjay 02-29-2020 12:21 PM

Currently no breeders here in Canada that I know of as I've had to stop due to physical health and am just keeping abs and barbs, not raising anything any longer.
My original species I was selling was reidi but I eventually imported some breeding stock of erectus and sold those too.
Some of what I imported I sold to and they were selling them through stores across Canada but I don't know if they have restarted after closing to find more breeding stock.
Other than that, the only seahorses coming into Canada are through LFSs that obtain offshore stock but IME the survival rate is much lower than for North American produced true captive bred seahorses.
I know Big Als, here in London have them show up on their lists from their suppliers so you could maybe order from one of their outlets.
Most seahorses end up dying within a year or so because people just don't get that the water quality has to be maintained so excessively due to their susceptibility to bacterial disease and while all the test kits available to the hobbyist can show excellent results, bacteria take over because there are NO test kits available to the hobbyist to tell you when the water has deteriorated over some time to the point the bacteria expansion spreads to the seahorses.
Successfully kept seahorses will last 5-10yrs or more even.
On the chance that there might be a home breeder here that can help you out, try a query on Facebook's Seahorse Source's Group or Seahorse Solutions Group, the two most popular seahorse/pipefish groups.

Lyndonjames 02-29-2020 01:05 PM

Thank you so much for your reply! :biggrin:il

Lyndonjames 03-02-2020 03:18 AM

Bump still looking..

Lyndonjames 03-04-2020 01:25 PM

Bump! ☺️

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