Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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shrimp 12-16-2019 07:52 PM

I am looking for a breeding pair of Percula clownfish, Does not mater which Platinum,onyx,true, me with details.

shrimp 12-29-2019 03:02 AM

Anywhere in Alberta. I am willing to drive to pick them up.

shrimp 01-24-2020 12:03 PM

Still looking, any pair in the Percula family.

shrimp 02-17-2020 01:07 AM

Still looking, would like to take a shot at rearing the fry.

guero 02-28-2020 05:34 AM

I can get you almost any kind of clown you want. Ill be doing an order at most in a few weeks!

shrimp 03-28-2020 07:59 PM

Still looking, anyone know of a hobbyist perhaps breeding Clownfish in Alberta area.

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