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knghtryder 12-29-2004 05:13 AM

Tank Cycling
Whassup Y'all

Is it awkward that my tank is cycled in 7 days??
My tank is a 33gallon, I added 20lbs of live sand, 35 pounds of crushed coral, 26lbs of live rock on the first day, 3 days later I added another 5 -6lbs, and then on my 7th day, I check the levels, all seemed to be ok. I just added a yellow tang and some corals the day before and all seems to be going well as of right now.

Give me some feedback on the cycling, thanks.

Richer 12-29-2004 07:07 AM

Hm... a little late to ask now, especially since you already added a fish and corals?

Anyways, it is possible that LR can cure in a matter of a few days if die off is minimal. What exactly do you mean when you say that all your levels seem "ok"? Do you have any exact numbers?

Next time, I suggest asking questions before you take any action... rather than taking action before you ask your question. It may save you a bit of headache in the future :wink:


knghtryder 12-29-2004 07:28 AM

tank cycling
I dont have the numbers with me right now, I wrote them in my book, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. I went to a couple of LFS and they said that it would be alright to add the fish and corals. I also talked to someone who has been in the hobby for about three years, they checked PH, Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Salinity, Temp. and they said that the tank is ready, I just found it odd that it cycled so quickly.

AJ_77 12-29-2004 04:07 PM

Yup, a little odd for sure. Extra caution is always better than extra livestock... I hope this works out OK for you, but if things go south you'll know for next time.

The LFS knows that if your animals "don't make it" for some unexplained reason, you will return to spend money on replacing them.

A good slow pace is crucial for this hobby - for success in it anyways. There's quite a few articles and threads on how to go about it for the first few months, some in this section.

Tarolisol 12-29-2004 04:40 PM

Also a yellow tang in a 33 gallon is going to cause lots of problems. A yellow tang is a very aggressive fish in a 75 gallon in a 33 you are going to have problems adding other fish. I have a yellow tang in a 77 gallon and its harrased and killed a few fish ive tried to add. IN My opinion and probly everyone elses a 33 gallon is way way way to small for a tang.

StirCrazy 12-30-2004 01:24 AM

I suggest taking the yellow tang out of the 33 and taking it back to the pet shop for a exchange on a fish that is suitable for a tank that size. no one in there right mind should have sold a tang to some one knowing they had a 33 gal tank.


frostiex 02-20-2005 02:04 AM

I am not sure why it is not ok...but I have a 15 gallon nano with a yellow tang and a clown with a banded shrimp and a a few snails. All of them seem to be very happy.

My clown and yellow tang eats to gether and swims together all the time...specially during feeding time.

Azilla 02-21-2005 04:09 AM

WOW!! 15gal with a yellow tang!!! Fish will outgrow that!!!!

StirCrazy 02-21-2005 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by frostiex
I am not sure why it is not ok...but I have a 15 gallon nano with a yellow tang and a clown with a banded shrimp and a a few snails. All of them seem to be very happy.

My clown and yellow tang eats to gether and swims together all the time...specially during feeding time.

you do know that a yellow tank won't be able to turn around in a 15 gal after a while. the min recommended size for a yellow tang used to be 40 gal, now people are looking at it realistically being more around 65 to 70.


Doug 02-22-2005 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by frostiex
I am not sure why it is not ok...but I have a 15 gallon nano with a yellow tang and a clown with a banded shrimp and a a few snails. All of them seem to be very happy.

My clown and yellow tang eats to gether and swims together all the time...specially during feeding time.

That yellow will not do well in a 15g and eventually will fall to disease caused from stress. I would be looking for a larger home for it.

On another note, I also dont think they will fare well over long periods in 30 some gallon sized tanks either.

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