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KNOWYOURTANK 10-31-2018 02:49 PM

pod eaters in a 29 nano
I was just wondering if anyone keeps multiple pod eaters in a nano tank with out refugium
I currently have
1 pair blue stripe pipefish that eat cyclops and also breed constantly

1 scooter blenny that eats frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp

and 1 mandarin that also eats frozen but not as much as the scooter

I have had the pipes since july07/18
scooter aug30/18
mandarin Sept20/18
the tank was running for 10+ months before I added any of these fish
its a soft coral tank with about 25-30lb of live rock
all seem to be doing fine and was wondering if anyone else has a similar setup with success/failure
also have 7 hermit crabs of various species for cuc.
let me know

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