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monza 12-16-2004 10:30 PM

Calgary TDS readings?

What’s everybody getting for TDS numbers from our tap water?

I have a dual inline TDS unit that (1) is in line just after all the RO filters and just before the DI filter. The other (2) is just after the DI. The reading on the first one is always about 40-45. I change the DI when I notice the TDS higher then zero, anywhere from 2-10.

I seem to be going through lots of DI cartridges so just wondering if the RO unit is pulling out as much as it should be. Changing DI filters every three to four weeks. Sometimes more but I've been adding lots of water volume to my setup.



Canadian Man 12-17-2004 03:29 AM

My pre unit water is 256ish
My after ro water is 0 to 3
My after di is obviously 0 and I change the cartridge when I get any reading at all. If you the unit has been off you will get a reading after the di. Once it's turned back on though it will go down to 0.

I find my di cartridge lasts about 1 year and that's using about 7 gallons a day.

monza 12-17-2004 03:35 AM

Wow! I must have something wrong with my unit. Thanks for the info I'll look into it some more. What type of DI cartridge are you using and, for that matter what brand if RO?


Canadian Man 12-17-2004 07:01 AM

It's an aqua safe unit and it's their own brand of di cartridge.

EmilyB 12-18-2004 03:46 PM

The membrane should reject 95-99%. If it isn't then it could be the membrane is your problem. Do you backflush it regularly?

I'm with Jon. My after RO is 0 (now that I have a new membrane :biggrin: ) and I am not even running DI because I am waiting on cartridges.

Interestingly, our tap water is about 173 tds.

Darksky 02-13-2005 04:01 AM


dual inline TDS unit
Where does one get one of these TDS meters? How much are they? Are they like the one that was on TV a while back for bottled water commercial?


Do you backflush it regularly?
How do you back flush a RO membrane? Turn it around and run water though it fora while? Does this extend the life of the membrane?



kari 02-13-2005 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Darksky
How do you back flush a RO membrane? Turn it around and run water though it fora while? Does this extend the life of the membrane?

There should be a valve on the outlet line that bypasses the flow restrictor. If not, you can always add one yourself with two "Tee's" and one shut off valve. The qiuck connect fittings can be found at HD.

monza 02-14-2005 06:59 AM

I guess I'll update this.

Replaced my membrane now before DI TDS is 1 after 0

I have no back flush on my unit and was told if it's used everyday it is not needed?

My RO/Di dealer was great three free Di cartridges, any quanity at 1/2 price and a new membrane half price. My membrane never worked right from the start. I didn't now and went through 6-7 Di units in a year or so.


BCWolfen 02-14-2005 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Canadian Man
My pre unit water is 256ish

WOW :eek:

I finally got my tds meter from J&L yesterday. Our tap water here is 15.
0 after ro/di of course.
but 256!! wow, you must go through lots of filters.

richtg 02-16-2005 10:37 PM

15!!!!! What's the reading from a bottle of Evian or other bottled spring water?

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