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Dearth 05-06-2018 03:54 PM

Some advice please
I recently purchased 3 used kessil a360we tuna blues and installed them yesterday connecting them to my Apex controller. After some adventures in programming the lights I had them working last night and controlling perfectly this morning 2 are working beautifully one won't do anything.

The lights are about a year and a half old and well cared for
Verified all work independently
Verified they all serial together
Connected to v1/v2 and worked last night connected to v3/v4 this morning 2 work one doesn't
The one that won't work I connected by itself won't turn on fan is not on

Would like some advice if I can do anything else by Dean Soiland, on Flickr

Dearth 05-06-2018 04:47 PM

Decided to disconnect light again and reconnect and now it has decided to work go figure

DKoKoMan 05-06-2018 07:59 PM

All this new technology is sweet but can be finicky at times.

Dez 05-06-2018 08:36 PM

Check to make sure the fan is working on it. They have thermal protection, so if one gets too hot, it will shut down automatically. The fans are known to go on the Kessils.

kyl 05-06-2018 09:09 PM

The heat sinks on them should also be regularly cleaned out, especially if your place is dusty or you have other pets. On the large cans it's quite easy, heat is what kills LED's prematurely.

Do not just blow compressed air or use one of the datavacs on them without blocking the fan blade so it can't freely spin, that can also damage the fixture.

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