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Madreefer 01-16-2018 04:04 PM

Established Custom Made 250g Tank For Sale with too much equipment
Concept made tank with Herbie overflow
60" X 30" X 30" stands at 6' high with custom made stand
Steal tube stand skinned in maple with built in wine fridge
Stand could also be used for in wall setup if no need for wood
150g concept sump
30g refugium
Vertex Royal Exclusive Alphacone 250 skimmer
2 AI Hydra52 light fixtures
2 AI Hydra light fixtures
1 AI Sol Blue light fixture
Vertex Ca Reactor
Neptune Controller
2 Maxspect Gyre with controllor
1 knock off Maxspect Gyre
Titanium heater
2 JBJ ATO. 1 still in box
2 RO Units
45g fresh water reservoir
Barracuda return pump
Spare dart return pump
3 pails of IO Salt
Comes with approximately 300lbs of live rock and whack of fish.
I have so much diff equipment I've gathered over the last 17yrs and too much to list.
If serious text for pics or if any questions 250-960-9755
I've lost interest in hobby is reason for selling
Asking $3000 and sorry not parting out

Madreefer 01-17-2018 03:47 PM


Cujo#31 01-20-2018 04:26 AM

Oh man. Sad to see you bow out. Given the geography and the challenges you have overcome over the years reefing in your neck of the woods is commendable. Your will to keep it going on up there proves it takes stones to be a REAL refer. HUGE points to getting it done and hanging in as long as you have out in PG. The spoiled “reefers” down in the GVRD should take notes and realize what REAL dedication is needed to be called a reefer and get it done. Hats off to ya bud. Best of luck with whatever you are doing moving forward. Cheers

Madreefer 01-22-2018 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Cujo#31 (Post 1023307)
Oh man. Sad to see you bow out. Given the geography and the challenges you have overcome over the years reefing in your neck of the woods is commendable. Your will to keep it going on up there proves it takes stones to be a REAL refer. HUGE points to getting it done and hanging in as long as you have out in PG. The spoiled “reefers” down in the GVRD should take notes and realize what REAL dedication is needed to be called a reefer and get it done. Hats off to ya bud. Best of luck with whatever you are doing moving forward. Cheers

Thanks Gary

Madreefer 01-25-2018 05:28 AM

Lots of texts regarding parting out. Sorry can't do that to my fish.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-25-2018 08:51 PM

Dang, sorry to hear you're leaving the hobby/addiction. Haven't "talked" in a while, but appreciated your input over the years. I've experienced similar "down" times, but never fully quit. Just kept plugging along till my interest became renewed. I'm doing more fowlr now, with only a few hardy corals and anemones. Letting my kids choose the fish, such as triggers and puffers.

Hope you don't completely disappear on us.


Madreefer 02-08-2018 02:02 PM


WarDog 02-11-2018 10:22 PM


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