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Dash 12-31-2017 01:11 AM

What did you all buy yourself for Christmas?
My husband's gift this year was the Vertex skimmer - first time it wasn't a surprise but I was desperate ok :mrgreen: But I'm sure we all indulged ourselves with the various sales going on. I only bought a couple of things at the JL sale (trying to show restraint while new tank takes shape): a cool scroll coral, and this:

(Excuse the algae, HOB skimmer has been unable to keep up with my fish:redface:)
I always wanted a starfish but most are too big and they are difficult to keep. But I really couldn't resist this one and feel it has a good chance in my tank. (S)he didn't move around too much at first but today was very active. A fascinating creature. Amazing colour.

Myka 12-31-2017 03:40 PM

I didn't buy anything for myself. :lol:

DKoKoMan 12-31-2017 05:02 PM

Bought myself a new Concept tank which is in the rendering stage... had to go bigger :)

Dash 12-31-2017 06:14 PM

Whoa nice! Spent slightly more than my $15 starfish then eh

DKoKoMan 12-31-2017 06:23 PM

Lol unfortunately... but I do like you starfish. The tank I have now is great (150g) but I bought it used so there are some things I wanted to change. Finally pulled the pin and will be building a 225g with 80g sump.

dino 12-31-2017 06:34 PM

titanium heater, salt, bio brick and a arowana that my stingray has already ate :redface:

albert_dao 12-31-2017 08:53 PM

Not aquarium-related, but I dropped ridiculous money on power and hand tools.

tang daddy 01-01-2018 05:18 AM

My gf got diamonds and my tank got a water change!

DKoKoMan 01-01-2018 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by tang daddy (Post 1022419)
My gf got diamonds and my tank got a water change!

Haha this works as well! Keep her happy and you will get less resistance when acquiring some Hot new SPS this year. 01-01-2018 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 1022380)
Not aquarium-related, but I dropped ridiculous money on power and hand tools.

i bought myself a lincoln ranger 305g efi and a trailer to put all my equipment on :mrgreen:

oh and a stuffed crocodile to sit on my dash

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