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shiftline 04-18-2017 09:10 PM

DIY screen top for rimless tanks
After having a few fish jump over the past few months i re-did my screen top to be sleeker and less of an eye soar

JamRobo 04-18-2017 09:24 PM

Nice! Looks good. Im going to have to try this on the 45° bowfront.

How much evap do you have per fay with that big tank?

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kyl 04-18-2017 09:51 PM

That black bridal tulle is the best I've found for looks, but it can get dusty depending on your place. Best part is it's dirt cheap, like 3 bucks a square meter.

shiftline 04-18-2017 10:08 PM

I get about a gallon a day or a litre over

Bridal Thulle! Thank you I couldn't remember the name of it for the life of me. But it looks way better than the clear mesh and blends right in

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Ryancw 05-08-2017 12:31 AM

Thanks for the tip shiftline. I never knew inset corners existed and refused to cover and have a screen just sitting ontop of my eurobrace.

For anyone interested in calgary chinook windows on 16th ave carries them dirt cheap. I also picked up 8 spares for anyone on the south side of the city. PM me if you want to give this a go.

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