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Dearth 03-16-2017 07:42 PM

Testing water
This has been talked about in the past on the site but let's see what you have to say. I all but gave up on checking my water parameters about 16 months ago because every test kit I had never agreed on any test I did I had 4 test kits (Hagen, API, Seachem and salifert) not one ever agreed with the other and it was a guessing game on what the water was doing.

So I gave up testing and watched my corals and fish for clues and made changes accordingly. Yes I know it's not scientific and it's not acceptable per se with many people in the hobby but I haven't killed anything yet since I stopped testing. On my last set of days off I had a friend come over and do some water tests and aside from my water being a bit low in calcium(which I expected) my water was well within all the acceptable water parameters. So I must be doing something right.

So with that being said how often do you check your water or do you rely on your tank to tell you?

mseepman 03-16-2017 08:39 PM

After completely screwing up my tank through an ALK crash, I now check pretty darn regularly. 90% loss of coral and Hair algae which I've never had before.

Potatohead 03-16-2017 09:50 PM

I test alk almost every day, everything else 1 - 2 times per week, except magnesium maybe 2 - 3 times a month. I usually test my newly mixed water also.

maron6977 03-16-2017 11:19 PM

Usually test alk 1-2 times a week , everything else 1-2 times a month.
I use salifert test kits , except for PO4 - Hanna

DKoKoMan 03-17-2017 12:32 AM

I will test ALK twice a week as well and Calcium once or twice a week. MAG I test usually once a month or every two months.

Sharkbait-huhaha 03-17-2017 01:41 AM

Nada, don't check for squat. Only time I check something is when I do salinity check.

I believe in keeping good husbandry goes a long way - also I don't have any really high demanding corals.

Clean skimmer and swap out filter socks every 3-4 days
10% water change weekly
30% water change every 6th week
Zeovit additives routinely

I too keep an eye on the fish and corals. If all looks fat, happy and plump. I let it be.

gregzz4 03-17-2017 03:48 AM

I don't get enough time to stare at my tank on a regular basis. Because of that I can't see when something is happening, so I rely on testing.
I test the Big 3 weekly and adjust my doser accordingly.
I perform WCs every other week and adjust the new water before adding it, then adjust the timers for a week to compensate for the salt I buy.
I'm being cheap with salt, so this is my life ...

It's either this or get out of the hobby

jason604 03-17-2017 08:23 AM

Yep I stopped checking my parameters for about almost a year now. Before I use to check all the time and seems like each time I do I end up adjusting my additives and cause more rtn,stn etc. ever since I cared for my tank less my tank has been thriving. I'm pretty lazy I only do the bare minimum like water changes every 2 weeks or so and mix additives for my dosed every 2 months. Dirty tank? Then get a sea hare and thank yourself later. I drilled a hole through my skimmer cup and attached a tube to it direct the nasty stuff to a 2L pop bottle so now I don't even need to dump it out for over a month. Enjoy your tank, not be a slave to it.

Ryanerickson 03-17-2017 04:17 PM

For the people that can't be bothered testing your tank why even have one? Your all one alk swing away from a full wipe out. This thread makes me laugh people bragging about there lazines or inability to figure out a 3 step test kit. That's all for now

Myka 03-17-2017 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 1010747)
[You're] all one alk swing away from a full wipe out.

My thoughts exactly. :(

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