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Jenn_737700 02-23-2017 08:18 PM

FS: Clownfish, random frags and 15lb of LR - YYC
I'm selling my nano.

What's for sale:

->1 clownfish 2.5 or 3in. (Ocellaris) very healthy $12. You can take it's container of pellets and some frozen krill with you if you buy the clown (if you want that.)

->15lbs of beautiful, pest free purple coralline smothered live rock covered in mushroom corals (they are dark metallic green or brown depending on your lighting.) $50

->Live, Healthy sand (not sugar size, one size up from that.) about 10bs for $10.

->1 tiny duncan coral head (take it for free if you buy something else)

->1 red and white random frag of a coral I don't know the name of. My best guess is Trachyphyllia (brain coral) and I feed it table shrimp chunks every other month, which it likes. $8

->1 small chunk of neon green GSP. $2


-> about 14lbs of dry sand for $5
-> 2 random pieces of dry tonga branch rock $5 (or if you buy something else, its free.)

I tried uploading photos, but there was a problem (twice, acutally.) If you are interested in any of the above please text me @ 5872234327 and I can provide some pictures.

Rubicon 02-24-2017 03:15 PM

Text sent for dry sand and Tonga pieces.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

timmmmy55 02-24-2017 05:28 PM

Sent text :)

Jenn_737700 02-24-2017 09:19 PM

Thanks for the texts guys, I'm slow at getting back but I will get back to you eventually. Also: heads up for anyone else = my new phone plan does not include picture messaging so please provide me with your email. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Jenn_737700 02-25-2017 11:51 PM

Corals and branch rock have been sold. Dry sand has been spoken for.

What's still left: Live rock, sand and clownfish.

Jenn_737700 03-07-2017 04:13 PM

Everything gone except live rock and clownfish.

Price drop: $50 for both. That's a $10 savings.

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