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Animal-Chin 01-26-2017 08:47 PM

Your top 5 fish and why?
Not in any real order, here are my five favorite fish in my tank...

1. Huma Huma Trigger. One of my all time favs. Saw it in a store before I even had a tank and couldn't believe you could have something so cool looking in your home. Risky in a reef but mine only makes a mess with sand, never nips anything.

2. Oriental Sweetlips. Its like a puppy in your tank. Such a cool looking and behaving fish. I've read they may be hard to get eating buy mine ate from day one.

3. Porcupine Puffer. Again, its like a puppy in your tank. Follows you around and begs for food. So cool!

4. Green Bird Wrasse. This is the boss of the tank. Pretty agressive and eats like a pig. Have a good skimmer with this guy but wow are they cool. Constant gliding and they look so different.

5. Mandarin Goby. Like a psychedelic ninja in your tank. It lives in the rock work so its a treat to see him out in the open. Luckly after about 3 weeks I had mine eating frozen daily so he's thriving, if you can get one to live on frozen food they are the coolest.

Bblinks 01-26-2017 08:58 PM

Achilles tang.....challenging fish to keep but beautiful nonetheless.

Rhomboid fairy wrasse.....I love all fairy wrasses, colorful and reef safe.

Borbonious/sunburst anthais......very cool looking fishes.

Helfriche firefish......unique coloration.

Moorish idol.....finding nemo.

duncangweller 01-26-2017 09:44 PM

I don't even have a tank at the moment but I would say (in no particular order)

1. Scott's fairy wrasse
2. Helfriche Firefish
3. Barnacle Blenny
4. One spot Foxface
5. Achilles Tang

tang daddy 01-26-2017 10:16 PM

Iron butterfly for its awesome look
Garabaldi damsel stunning colour
Mandarin dragonette cool swagger and personality
Jan's pipefish cool looking
Davincii clown aka baby orca

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-27-2017 01:43 AM

Sohal Tang - gorgeous colours and pattern
Mandarin Goby/Dragonet - super cool colours & swimming/hopping motion
Aussie Harlequin Tuskfish - Neon colours & pattern
Ornate & other types of Leopard Wrasses - easier to keep than flashers & fairies
Porcupine puffer - soooooo cute

Honourable mention:

Seahorse/Sea Dragon (of course)
Angler fish (nature's fishermen/women)
Jawfish (especially yellowheaded) - cool cave builders

fishing4aliving 01-27-2017 01:58 AM

Falco hawkfish - fun to watch. Eye movements are awesome.
Foxface - hardy, lots of character
Royal Gramma - no good reason.
Flame Angel
Regal tang

GoFish 01-27-2017 02:25 AM

Lingcod - moist, delicious
Sockeye - great sashimi
Sturgeon - epic battles
Tuna - especially tuna belly, A+ sashimi
Sablefish - with bacon? Yes please

kien 01-27-2017 03:51 AM

Regal Angelfish - Love hose contrasting stripes.

Powder Blue Tang - Love that powder blue colour with the contrasting yellow fin.

Flame Angel Fish - It's like a little ball of fire swimming around the tank

Purple Pseudochromis - The purple is ELECTRIC and really pops.

Clown Triggerfish - Because polkda dots in a tank just looks BOSS.

DKoKoMan 01-27-2017 04:20 AM

1. Lawnmower Blenny - Total character in the tank and always makes me laugh by his antics.

2. Powder Brown Tang - The awesome computation and the fish swims around with such energy.

3. Mandarin - Cool fish who hovers through the water pecking away at the multitude of pods.

4. Clowns - I like that these guys are sometime complete spazzes! Whether they are nesting in the anemone or chasing others that get to close. They can be real $&@holes once in a while as well.

5. Fox face Rabbitfish - Whether it be the food frenzy attitude or the complete scaredy cat nature this guy always makes for entertaining observations. I also like he camouflage appeal and colour change based on mood.

Dearth 01-27-2017 03:38 PM

Lawnmower blenny---every one I have ever owned has character and personality

Mandarin Dragonet---very challenging fish to keep, colourful and just entertaining and relaxing to watch

Blue Green Chromis---many consider this fish to be bland but it's colours change with every motion

Yellow Coris wrasse---timid yet active and bright yellow

Common Lion Fish---I'll never have one but cool looking as they are deadly

Special mention--- cleaner shrimp -mine loves to climb body parts and in a rarity also likes to be pet

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