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coralor 12-06-2016 07:36 PM

Help with new 190 gal build
I am having a new custom tank built (Peninsula style) with the dimensions 58" L, 34" W and 22" deep.
I'd like an internal overflow on the one 34" end that sits against the wall and wonder if anyone has any advice on that please? In particular, should I incorporate 2 drains or 2 returns, or is one of each enough?
It will be a primarily SPS dominated tank that is well stocked both with fish and corals. I am not sure which powerheads I will use, but I do like the idea of one on each side of the overflow.
Also looking for advice on a DIY sump. The DT and sump are one above the other upstairs separating our dining room from the living room so as quiet a setup as possible with excellent flow, of course, is what I'm aiming for.
Thanks very much in advance!

FishyFishy! 12-07-2016 12:30 AM

For the drain, go with a minimum of two drains (herbie) and one return. 3 total would do just fine. I would suggest 2 x 1.5" drains and 1 x 1" return hole. You could go fancy with 2 returns as well (4 total holes).

It all really depends on the size, location and style of your overflow. Have any design pictures of the tank?

Dive_dry 12-07-2016 12:52 AM

Look into a beananmal they are supper quiet.It uses 3 drains

coralor 12-07-2016 12:54 AM

I don't have any drawings yet, and admittedly I wouldn't know how to add them to the post. I can try and learn, though:))
What if I did go with 2 drains and 2 returns, would a Fluval Sea SP4 pump be sufficient in your opinion? I've heard they are decently priced and quiet.
Also, how long and thick should the overflow be? I'd like to place a power head on each side. (Not sure how to incorporate something like a gyro or MP40 there).

gregzz4 12-07-2016 02:56 AM

With your dimensions, you are looking for info on a 190g tank.
You're going to want somewhere between 630 and 1200gph return flow - 3.3x to 6.1x sump turnover for your skimmer.
While a Bean overflow is best, a Herbie will suit just fine.
Look online and read about both ... Bean Animal Overflow ... Herbie Overflow.

Quiet return pump ... I've always been happy with an in-sump Eheim 1262, and it lasts forever. Only gives about 650-700gph after head loss with an under-tank sump, but runs like a champ and won't ever let you down as long as you keep it clean. And keep in mind ... tank return flow is only important where skimming is involved - hence the numbers above.
What's important for SPS is in-tank flow. Power heads/propeller pumps are where you will spend your money.

As for a DIY sump, look online and search not only for info, but also images

Good luck, and start a build thread with lots of pictures!!

coralor 12-07-2016 03:24 AM

So I did do some reading on the herbie vs bean animal and I really would prefer to use the bean animal method, but is it possible at all to incorporate it completely inside the tank with the drains going down right into the sump? That way there's no worries about leakage from the external plumbing onto the floor....
I've been trying to figure out if its feasible but haven't come across that info yet.

coralor 12-07-2016 03:41 AM

BTW, gregzz4. Just checked out your rebuild posts. Awesome!! Love your tidy dosing system and electrical setup! Where did you find those large narrow plastic bottles?

FishyFishy! 12-07-2016 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by coralor (Post 1003542)
So I did do some reading on the herbie vs bean animal and I really would prefer to use the bean animal method, but is it possible at all to incorporate it completely inside the tank with the drains going down right into the sump? That way there's no worries about leakage from the external plumbing onto the floor....
I've been trying to figure out if its feasible but haven't come across that info yet.

Yes, you would just have to drill the bottom of the tank and make a full height internal overflow. You would also have to have pretty high drain pipes to avoid a noisey cascade effect into the overflow. Not ideal for beananimal, but doable.

If you're going for an internal overflow, I would just go for a herbie IMO.

coralor 12-07-2016 03:58 PM

I really like the bean animal idea so I've decided to go with it, even though it means having some lines outside the tank. The quietness and safety of it over rules my worries about the pvc joints leaking.
I guess I can always have the sump offset underneath as extra security.

dino 12-07-2016 08:31 PM

I run three drains two returns. Three baffles in the sump and a gate valve on the main drain and just a ball valve on the second and none on the emergency.

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