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tix221 12-02-2016 03:23 PM

Clam with pinched mantle
I need help with my new maxima clam. I got it 2 days ago and the mantle extension is not good. It appears have pinched mantle. Should I do a fresh water dip or should I wait ? Have you done any dips before and how did it go ?


Myka 12-02-2016 08:55 PM

Is it pinched along the entire mentle or just some areas?

Here is an excellent reference, of which I've followed the instructions for both freshwater dips and metro dips (I used SeaChem Metronidazole). I've had some success with dips, and other times it didn't seem to help.

tix221 12-02-2016 09:39 PM

thanks Myka!

It is pinched in some areas(mostly near the bottom) and I see some white spot on the mantle( not sure if it is bleached or something else) . I thought it was stress related as I didn't take enough time to acclimated it but it doesn't go away. Today, the mantle extension is better but the pinch is still there. I am hesitant to dip it as it may stress it more but I read that you should do it when the clam is not too weak otherwise, it won't survive. Do pinched mantle just go away by itself or I have to take some actions ?

i have crabs 12-02-2016 11:13 PM

Ive done freshwater dips 2-3 times and it worked out well

tix221 12-03-2016 04:09 AM

I have dipped it for 20 mins. It opened a little after I put it back to the tank. Do I need to do this again a day after it is not fully cured ? How long would you wait for the second dipping?


Myka 12-03-2016 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by tix221 (Post 1003315)
I have dipped it for 20 mins. It opened a little after I put it back to the tank. Do I need to do this again a day after it is not fully cured ? How long would you wait for the second dipping?


I would wait 5-7 days. I've never had to do a second dip though - the clam is always either cured after 1 dip (it takes a few days to look better), or it dies a couple days after the dip. For the record, I don't think it was the dip that killed the clam, I think it was just too far gone.

TimT 12-04-2016 06:57 PM

Parasitic snails can also cause pinched mantles.

FW dips are only good for Perkinsus Olseni which is a protozoan parasite. Similar to Ick in fish. It is also a legally re-portable disease so do be careful. ie. If you suspect P.O. you must report it to CFIA.

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