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apepper 11-13-2004 05:30 PM

45g FOWLR For Sale - Victoria
We are moving again and must lighten our load so we are selling our aquarium. It has been setup and most equipment purchased less than 1 year ago.

45 gallon tall glass tank and stand (with 20W fluorescent light)
Aqua C Remora HOB Skimmer
40lbs of Kanai live rock
2-3” Sugar sand bed
2 – MaxiJet 1200 Power heads
200W Ebo-Jager heater
2 – Percula clownfish (captive raised at Ocean Aquatics)
Large Mag Float cleaning magnet
Various other gadgets and gear such as thermometers, hydrometers, test kits, gloves, etc.
Various critters such as snails and hermits

Asking $400 for complete system.

Hoolyman 11-14-2004 09:39 PM

Hi there....Does it come with a stand as well? Can you send some pics please to:

I'm very intrested and also reside in Victoria.


knghtryder 11-15-2004 02:25 AM

Hello, If u are considering parting out, I will take the Skimmer, Both Maxi-Jet powerheads and possibly the live rock. Lemme know. thanks. email me at

apepper 11-15-2004 05:00 PM

Comes with a metal stand that has a wooden platform to support the tank.

Hoolyman 11-15-2004 06:49 PM

I'm very intrested and wantin to come and see it in person. Please email me a time and location at :

apepper 11-25-2004 05:32 AM

This is still for sale, if anyone is interested I need to know before Friday, which is moving day. I will have to tear it down and take it with me if it isn't sold by then.

StirCrazy 11-25-2004 12:48 PM

If you are interested in selling some of the live stock I am in need of snails and hermits right now.


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