Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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-   -   Calgary - Free Clownfish - Mated pair - and a yellow goby (

NinjaFish 08-02-2016 09:58 PM

Calgary - Free Clownfish - Mated pair - and a yellow goby
Shutting down my saltwater tank for home renos and I have the following fish available for free:

- Mated pair of Ocellaris clowns (false percs)
- 1 Yellow goby

You must be able to pick them up in the NW.

All fish will be available until, and must be picked up by, 7pm Thursday, 4-Aug-16. After that, I'll have to donate them back to the store.

PM me with any questions.

slider9969 08-02-2016 11:12 PM

pics? definately interested

timmmmy55 08-03-2016 03:05 AM

PM sent :) I'll forsure get them please
403 681 7342

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-03-2016 06:59 AM

Is you're location correct? It says you're in Chilliwack, BC. You should probably change that in your profile to Calgary.

NinjaFish 08-03-2016 06:08 PM

Gone - Calgary - Free Clownfish - Mated pair...
Thanks for the interest. All saltwater fish are in a new home.

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