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Xtasia 11-08-2004 11:42 PM

Considering selling.. Reef-friendly Angel...
I have a really beautiful Potter's Angelfish I'm looking to get rid of... Recently, he's been chasing my other fish, and while the chasing does not look aggressive in nature, I'd rather remove him than risk it.

He is healthy, curious, a voracious eater, and has vibrant color. He takes Algae from a Clip, and at times will eat from your hand. He's been kept with LPS Corals and Clams for over 2 years and does not Nip.

I'd recommend a fair size tank (atleast 65g), with only a few non-aggressive fish.

Looks like this picture, except with more purple in the tail. and more seductive lips :P
(picture borrowed from

If you'd be interested in trading or buying this fish, please let me know. preference will be given to someone I KNOW will give this fish a good home.

Local only.

monza 11-09-2004 12:12 AM

local is?

ree-fready 11-09-2004 12:29 AM

Van. I love the potters but I`m too chicken.

Chin_Lee 11-09-2004 12:44 AM

how you gonna catch it :)
I would LOVE to take it off your hands .....what do you say I trade you some xenia for it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Seriously like Darin, I'm toooo chicken as well. It is a beautiful fish but I'm still stocking my tank and if it starts nipping at anything, its gonna be very hand to catch it again. Which brings me around to the next question... how are you going to catch it? Good luck.

Islander 11-09-2004 01:32 AM

PM sent

Xtasia 11-09-2004 01:39 AM

He's actually really comfortable being around my hands.. so I'll use a clear container, food and my hands to usher it in...

I don't know how he'd be around SPS but I assume he'd be ok...

Local is Burnaby, GVRD area..

SeaHorse_Fanatic 11-09-2004 05:02 AM

PMed you on the "List of my demands..." Posting. May be interested in your Potter's as well. What would you be wanting for it? I'd have to put him in my 35 Hex for now though, since my big tank already has Queen, Koran juv, & Cherub angels.

morph 11-09-2004 01:26 PM

re potters angel
hi there im interested in your angel if its still available

i have a 72 gallon reef with a couple of tangs,should be a happy home
for it.

I have a few coral frags/ or a coral banded shrimp to trade

ldzielak 11-09-2004 03:23 PM

How fast do you need to get him out? I will take him for sure. I have been trying to find a nice "used" angel for my new 180g reef. I'm busy this weekend, but I could make a trip down next weeked.

I have ricordia, small and large troch coral, a huge mushroom leather, and maybe more you would like. Also have 2 clams I could part with.

name your price.


ldzielak 11-09-2004 03:31 PM

PM sent too.

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