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straightrazorguy 03-24-2016 06:29 PM

FS: Harlequin Tusk
I am offering for sale my fat and happy 4.5 in. harlequin tusk. It is getting too big for my mixed reef tank. If you are interested, please PM me with a description of your setup. I want my fish to go to a good home. I live in New West, and I am asking $ 120 for the tusk. Local inquiries only at this time, please. Once I am satisfied with your setup and we agree on the terms I will start the not so easy task of catching this guy...

Animal-Chin 03-24-2016 08:09 PM

When you say too big for your mixed reef what do you mean exactly? Is it nipping at coral? How big is your mixed reef?

straightrazorguy 03-24-2016 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Animal-Chin (Post 986763)
When you say too big for your mixed reef what do you mean exactly? Is it nipping at coral? How big is your mixed reef?

No, it is a model citizen. My tank is a 3 ft cube (150 gal). It is just getting to the point where there is too much bioload for my liking.

straightrazorguy 03-24-2016 10:05 PM

Another crappy tank shot.

Reef76b 03-25-2016 03:54 PM


maron6977 03-25-2016 04:46 PM

Pm'ing now

straightrazorguy 03-25-2016 05:59 PM

The tusk is pending...

straightrazorguy 04-03-2016 08:50 PM

The tusk was caught this morning and is now in the new owner's tank! Thanks for your interest!

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