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Fin2you 01-04-2016 01:50 AM

Fin2you SW adventure
alot of this 1st post on this journal is going to be copy & pasted from my journal on another site.
I like this group's open "journal" forum allowing other members to chime in. I am still learning & I am in no "glass bubble" thinking I know everything about SW tank keeping. I also know I've made a few mistakes & probably should have done a few things differently but hey it's all about the journey!
Please chime in & give me advice, but I hope not to offend anyone by saying I may decide not to take your advice b/c I may have decided to take someone else's! Oh & I reserve my right to change my mind at any time. LOL
Getting so much awesome info & feedback I want to document it so I can remember it all!!! So 1st things 1st.
* tank specs;
Just measured tank hubby when he bought it took the sellers word... It is really 36x20x12=38gal but that's OK.
Red Sea Prizm Deluxe Protein skimmer
Marineland Maxi-jet 400 circulation pump
Eheim Jaeger TruTemp 100W heater
Approx 30lbs Caribbean Aragonite & live Caribbean sand
Stocked with: 2 Bumble bee snails, 1 Margarita snail, Asterina/Micro starfish, Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab, Black & white & a standard Ocellaris clownfish, Yellow Watchman Goby
Rose Bubble tip Anemone, Red Feather duster
Should note almost all my Corals have been privately bought as frags from people with established tanks who need to keep them under control it's easier to spend $5/frag than $30.

Fin2you 01-04-2016 01:55 AM

Feeding & Suppliments:
* OMEGA 1 Marine Flakes, freeze dried Brine shrimp. 1/8-1/4 tsp each once a day.
* OMEGA 1 frozen Super Carnivore (Not a favorite with the goby & clowns) & Reef Complete cubes. Inject right to Feather Duster & Anemone using a turkey baster some people make jumbo chop sticks too
* Reef Complete x2/wk 1cap Think I will do 1/2 a cap every day. Easier than trying to remember when I did this last!
* Kent Invert Liquid every other day 30drops recommended but think I will cut in 1/2 & feed every day.

Awesome Tips:
* Fluval filter sponge ring to go over powerhead circulation pump intake. Prevents fish from being sucked in.
* 1.5-1.75c salt=5gal salt water
* Gently scrub the rocks periodically with a new nylon bristle brush or toothbrush to remove loose white film or dead material.
* Submerse the new rock into a bucket filled with saltwater with a specific gravity of 1.035 to 1.040 for one minute. Any invertebrates including mantis shrimp, bristle worms, and crabs will quickly evacuate from the rock and into the bucket of water.
Remove the live rock from the bucket and sort through the invertebrates in the bucket. Determine those you want to add to your system and discard unwanted pests. Bristle worms still attached to the rock can be removed with a pair of needle-nosed pliers or tweezers. This technique can be used to remove unwanted pests before or after curing your newly arrived live rock.

Fin2you 01-04-2016 02:13 AM

Want List:
Refractometer. I hate my Kent Hydrometer
Flat live rock (look for a "ledge" that will sit from middle back to right back. & possibly a smaller piece that could lean from Right front top to the back right large piece)
Candy cane coral, Torch coral, Rainbow Monti, Sea fan
Stock Wish list:
Lawnmower Blenny
1-2 Blue Sapphire Damsel
Royal grammar Basslet
6line Wrasse
candy cane/peppermint wrasse
Dream fish; Mandarin Dragonet

Scythanith 01-04-2016 06:05 AM

I had my Bodianus neopercularis sitting for sale in Saskatoon for probably 6 months... someone finally just bought it... for $75! Just needed a good home, too aggressive in my system. Gorgeous fish though!

Looks like you have a great start! My biggest word of advice is buy the right equipment the first time. If you can't afford the right stuff at the moment, save up until you can. Buying something just to replace it 1 year later is a waste of money.

soapy 01-04-2016 02:38 PM

How long has the tank been up? Has it settled in yet?

kien 01-04-2016 04:17 PM

Where are the pictures?! We want pictures! We NEED pictures!!!!

soapy 01-04-2016 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 976887)
Where are the pictures?! We want pictures! We NEED pictures!!!!


Fin2you 01-05-2016 02:11 AM

Yes I waited on buying a Protein skimmer for 3 weeks until I could get the one I wanted on sale! I had been given the heads up it was going to be 50% off on boxing day!
The tank has been up since 2 weeks before Christmas. I helped cycling along with Seachem's Stability. Along with Live sand & live rock.
I uploaded a bunch of pictures I took this evening before I fed!

soapy 01-05-2016 03:54 AM

Looks good. Go slow, be patient and success will come.

Fin2you 01-05-2016 04:12 AM

Thanks! I am happy with the rock now for corals & slowly more fish. The yellow watchman goby is probably 3/4 grown, but Bubbles & Lil'Nemo are not even close to an inch long yet. I want to make sure I don't overload the tank I want good CUC & a nice mixed group of fish.

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