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Doug 11-13-2015 07:25 PM

Good thing Im using ULNS

I think around 1990 would be the last time I had hair algae. A lot of good my ULNS regime does. Plus I scrub it. Tanks fishes, so just feed the shrimp.


AND, I have a sea hare that just eats hard glass algae like the useless snails.....:lol:

albert_dao 11-13-2015 07:51 PM

Which system are you using?

Doug 11-13-2015 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 969631)
Which system are you using?


Aquattro 11-13-2015 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969633)

shoulda gone zeo :)

toytech 11-13-2015 11:19 PM

Looks like bryopsis to me , feathery ends , non clumping . Sea hare wont eat that and it will grow anywhere it want under any conditions . Real pain to get rid of.

Ryanerickson 11-13-2015 11:51 PM

Defenetly the ulns part is not working in my opinion prodibio does not work that great I used it for 6 plus months it made no difference. I was doing the whole system I think 5 different bottles.

Doug 11-14-2015 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 969643)
shoulda gone zeo :)



Originally Posted by toytech (Post 969652)
Looks like bryopsis to me , feathery ends , non clumping . Sea hare wont eat that and it will grow anywhere it want under any conditions . Real pain to get rid of.

Thats sounds promising, tear down another tank. Im going to get a 5g nano with new rock.


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 969657)
Defenetly the ulns part is not working in my opinion prodibio does not work that great I used it for 6 plus months it made no difference. I was doing the whole system I think 5 different bottles.

Yea does not seem to be working at this time. No idea if it will or not. Im only at 4 treatments on this tank.

dcw1sfu 11-14-2015 12:43 AM

If it is Bryopsis alot of people have had success getting rid of it through the use of Kent Tech M and elevating there magnesium to the 1700 range and in some cases higher. Do a search there are alot of success stories. 11-14-2015 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by dcw1sfu (Post 969664)
If it is Bryopsis alot of people have had success getting rid of it through the use of Kent Tech M and elevating there magnesium to the 1700 range and in some cases higher. Do a search there are alot of success stories.

i will confirm that it works

GoFish 11-14-2015 01:49 AM

I've had my Mg at 1800 for 3 weeks and 1650 for 3 weeks before that. $hit still grows like nothing's wrong. There must be more to this Tech M story I need to read about. 2nd time trying... Sorry to hear about your issues Doug, hopefully you figure it out!

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