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-   -   Spitfires 75G low maintenance home office tank build ( 10-25-2015 01:00 AM

Spitfires 75G low maintenance home office tank build
so lately ive been spending alot of time in my office at home and decided to spice up the room, currently i have a paludarium in the office but decided to go with a full reef to keep my entertained. Hoping to keep it somewhat low maintenance

75g with custom corner overflow
Steel stand (built by me)
Plain old sump
vertex omega 150
hagen glo dual bulb t5ho fixture
apex neptune system
tunze powerheads

Building stand at the shop (1x1 hss), seems a little small but according to autocad it can support the weight no problem

Side of office cleared out and stand in place

i dont like to put doors on my stands as i find the inner workings of a system just as interesting as the display itself

Tank... so long story short, i dropped it about 15 minutes ago, dont worry i broke its fall, unfortunatly my knee broke the bottom panel :mad2:

this will add a bit of a delay to the build but im fairly certain i have another glass panel that size somewhere in my shop

Lesson learned tho, dont go up stairs while carrying a 75g tank on your own

Ryanerickson 10-25-2015 01:05 AM

Nice Tyler lol 10-25-2015 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 967915)
Nice Tyler lol

ya not one of my finest moments....

i have 2x 4' tanks, i picked that one because the trim was in better shape but after taking some quick measurements the trim off the broken tank will fit the other one :mrgreen: 10-25-2015 08:00 PM

Through the magic of television we have a tank

get to pick up the sump today 11-01-2015 12:23 AM

starting to plumb the tank

Coral, Sir Reginald the third, and Cooper all locked up for getting in the way

Leak testing the bulkheads

sump shot 11-11-2015 05:23 AM

ok so ive been asked alot about how i make such large branching rock structures without them collapsing.... so here is my quick and dirty guide to super awesome macdaddy rockwork

Step one
Get inspiration (look at bonsai trees, best place to get ideas imo)

Step two
Pick your rock, doesnt matter what it looks like, the plan is to not see it after you coat it in your corals (i cheat, there was about 200lbs of bleached and acid dipped rock in my garage)

Step three
Find a sturdy base, the base will be what will determine how far you can go with your ideas, the heavier the better as it is what will balance everything

Step four
Start by drilling holes and zap strapping everything together, using anything you can to prop up your structure, the idea here is to make it as strong as possible with the zap straps, dont be afraid to use alot of them

Step five
After you have a structure you're happy with, start filling the gaps between each rock with my special concrete (or other brands, i dont care....) dont be shy with it, the stuff i use grows coraline and corals like crazy so it gets hidden in no time. Also cover any visible zap straps with concrete to hide them

And a bunch of pics of my paludarium

Slyguy00 11-11-2015 01:47 PM

Nice rockscape write up Tyler. I like what you did with that one. Now hurry up and get that thing running:mrgreen: 11-11-2015 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 969384)
Nice rockscape write up Tyler. I like what you did with that one. Now hurry up and get that thing running:mrgreen:

rock in the tank
sump pic

ive been having problems with the paludarium and slugs, pulled 6 slugs out of it in the last week, i think they hitch hiked in on a plant i got from a plant shop

will be starting to mount some of the corals will be mounted on the weekend

Slyguy00 11-11-2015 07:59 PM

Looks good dude!

maron6977 11-15-2015 06:19 PM

Ya, looks really cool . Can't wait to see with some frags .

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