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JTrigger 10-13-2004 11:14 PM

Other Pets
Anyone here have other non-fish/dog/cat pets? Just curious... wanted to hear about how much people like their iguanas, rabbits, ferrets, whatever.. and how hard the upkeep is ;)


Canadian Man 10-13-2004 11:30 PM

Bare eyed cockatoo
Choco Lab

Invigor 10-14-2004 12:32 AM

budgie, guinea pig, 2 cats, hamster, 4 fw tanks.

everything is tank is harder. change food/water, bedding.

we're looking into getting a snake. I like king snakes and corn snakes. :D

Dale D 10-14-2004 12:46 AM

1 dog (Duck Toller)
3 green treefrogs
1 african Praying Mantis

Invigor 10-14-2004 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dale D
1 african Praying Mantis

mmmmm, they look bloody evil

Buccaneer 10-14-2004 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Invigor
I like king snakes and corn snakes. :D

My oldest daughter had a California King snake for about 2 yrs ... grew to 4 ft long ... pretty good temperment for a snake really ... only advice is get a 10G tank to feed it in so it gets used to eating in there ... if you feed it in the main tank you wont be able to put your hand in without fear he will strike at it thinking it is food :eek: ( really bad eyesight but excellent sense of smell ) ... they actually hunt/kill rattlers in the wild as food :cool:

kuatto 10-21-2004 03:33 AM

Cat,and an Austrailian Bearded-Dragon.
At one point in the past had over 200 snakes and lizards :mrgreen: everything from corn snakes to larger lizards.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 10-24-2004 07:06 AM

Cirtron Crested Cockatoo (Rupert - after our favourite Survivor). Kind of messy, but fun to have around. Talks some, but only when he feels like it (has cat's blood or something). :biggrin: Used to have 21 birds & 5 cages in our basement suite, along with 7 sm-med.sized fw aquariums. Now just Rupert & 4 SW (20g, 33g, 35 Hex, 100g). Less expensive to keep Rupert (corals & SW fish is like paying for a cocaine habit, eh) :razz: :lol:

LostMind 10-24-2004 09:22 AM

really curious about the preying mantis... thats cool!

I keep two saltwater mantis! :)

Zerandise 10-24-2004 02:30 PM

umm where to start.....

1 lovebird
2 cockatiels
1 panther chameleon
3 corn snakes
1 king snake
2 leopard gecko's
1 beaded dragon
1 hedgehog
4 cats
4 fish tanks, a 48 and 90 FW and a 55 and soon to be 140 reef

my tanks take the most time for care. Well i spend the most time caring for them anyway.

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