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Chemi 09-11-2015 04:10 PM

Torch Nodules?
I picked up a torch a few days ago as my first coral specimen. I have it a few days to acclimate and cheer up in my tank. It was doing good when I first brought it home, now it seems slightly deflated and less happy. My question is, what are these pink nodules on the stalk? They are bright pink with white heads. Should I be concerned?

tlhood 09-11-2015 04:48 PM

I can't really tell by the photos... might they be red foraminiferans?

Did you dip your coral? and acclimate it?

babnika 09-11-2015 06:35 PM

hard to tell by photo
might be vermetid snails look up images of & compare

NU-2reef 09-12-2015 03:43 AM

I agree with above. They are foramaniferans. Pretty harmless. I think the torch is just getting too much flow. Judging by the pic

Try placing in an area with less direct flow

Ryanerickson 09-12-2015 04:43 PM

Looks like to
Much flow to me also the pink things are harmless

Slyguy00 09-12-2015 07:44 PM

Pink things are harmless. I have them on some of my torchs
A kind of sponge i think. And i agree with ryan. To much flow by the looks of it.

Myka 09-12-2015 07:44 PM

What are your water parameters? Ca, Alk, Mg, salinity, temperature, phosphate, nitrate?

Chemi 09-12-2015 09:28 PM

Thanks for the replies guys. After close inspection of the torch, I did find a hard round casing on the outside. I scraped it off and a bug was swimming in the dish. The flow is intermittent in that area, I did move the power head aim as well though to be thorough.
PH 8.05
SG 1.024
Ca 400
Mg 1410
Alk 11
nitrate is undetectable
Temp is 26 or 28°C depending on which gauge I look at.
Big 3 are brand new Red Sea kit. PH is lab grade probe and meter.
waiting on phosphate kit.

Myka 09-12-2015 11:11 PM

Params look good. The bug was maybe a Vermetid Snail...? The Torch is probably just adjusting to the new surroundings. Make sure alkalinity doesn't dip below 7 dKH - Euphyllia corals like the Torch do not like that.

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