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clermont 08-06-2015 03:49 PM

Aquarium Controllers
Hi everyone,

Like almost everyone in this hobby I would like to explore ways to improve my tank and wondering exactly how people are using their Reef Controllers and the benefits from using them.

I currently do not have one but everything I use seems to be pretty well automated on its own for example, Lights have built in timer, Power Heads have controller, 2 Heaters so if one stops working the other picks up the slack, ATO fuctions with float switches, and my feeder has a built in timer and I test the salinity of the tank fairly often but with a larger tank it seems to always be within range.
From what I have read the best benefit for me would be with the PH probe but to spend the amount of money required to pick up a reef keeper I am not sure the benefit is there.

I guess I could save a little money by having it turn on fans when the temperature reaches a certain point rather than running the fans all day?

Maybe, you all can give me some ideas for the uses and some input on more of the benefits I would see from using one.

Thanks for any input

Ryanerickson 08-06-2015 04:03 PM

Heaters can get stuck in the on position this is one of the great benefits of a controller the controller will simply cut off power to heater. also if your tank gets to hot the controller can turn things like lights off. There's many benefits of a controller.

input80 08-06-2015 04:14 PM


Reef Pilot 08-06-2015 05:26 PM

Before I had a controller, electrical plugs and timers were getting totally out of hand. Now I control everything, lights, pumps, dosers, chiller,skimmers, heaters, ATO, etc with the controller. Allows me to program in a lot of automation, safety, redundancy, convenience and transparency which I didn't have before.

For example, if I have a power outage, my skimmer will come on 5 min after my return pump, when the sump level is back to its normal level thus preventing skimmer overflow. If I have a leak or overflow somewhere, it can automatically shut down a pump, and alerts me, so I don't have a water flood disaster. Many, many things you can do with a controller...

I am often away from home, and the controller gives me more peace of mind, too, as I can monitor and makes changes remotely through the internet.

You mention PH monitoring with the controller. I have the probe, but don't even use it, as that is least benefit, IMO.

There are good threads on RC, which should give you a better understanding of what can be done with a controller.

The Guy 08-06-2015 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 961069)
Heaters can get stuck in the on position this is one of the great benefits of a controller the controller will simply cut off power to heater. also if your tank gets to hot the controller can turn things like lights off. There's many benefits of a controller.

I use a Finnex temp controller I don't want to just depend on the on board mechanical control i've had them fail too many times, now my water temperature stays spot on @78 f.
+1 to using controllers :smile:

SiliconGuy 08-06-2015 09:34 PM

Mine saved the day a couple of times now:

a) Got a notification that a runaway heater was determined to
cook my fish! I caught the unit while the water was at 28C.

b) Got a notification one day that my ATO system was overly "enthusiastic"
and my sump was close to overflowing. Being away for 3 weeks, I had to
coordinate a fix by phone with my tank sitter but early detection was key.
It saved my tank & vacation!

mark 08-07-2015 04:26 AM

^ would hope a controller wouldn't allow these type things to happen to begin with.

Ran my tank with a PLC, used it to controller temp through heaters or fans (evap cooling) and for a bit CO2 based on a reactor's effluent, then a doser.

SiliconGuy 08-07-2015 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 961119)
^ would hope a controller wouldn't allow these type things to happen to begin with.

I agree however in both cases, the sensors had failed (wire issue and
a stuck float). The nice thing is that a secondary temperature sensor
and float were wired to the alarms of the controller. You could say that
I have a new found respect for redundancy :)

e46er 08-08-2015 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by clermont (Post 961067)
Hi everyone,

Like almost everyone in this hobby I would like to explore ways to improve my tank and wondering exactly how people are using their Reef Controllers and the benefits from using them.

I currently do not have one but everything I use seems to be pretty well automated on its own for example, Lights have built in timer, Power Heads have controller, 2 Heaters so if one stops working the other picks up the slack, ATO fuctions with float switches, and my feeder has a built in timer and I test the salinity of the tank fairly often but with a larger tank it seems to always be within range.
From what I have read the best benefit for me would be with the PH probe but to spend the amount of money required to pick up a reef keeper I am not sure the benefit is there.

I guess I could save a little money by having it turn on fans when the temperature reaches a certain point rather than running the fans all day?

Maybe, you all can give me some ideas for the uses and some input on more of the benefits I would see from using one.

Thanks for any input

I have a reefkeeperI also currently dont run an ATO.
I only have my skimmer, return pump and 2 heaters plugged into my controller.
powerheads and lights have their own controllers and the switch from MH to LED opened 3 additional outlets up so when I get around to it im going to use them to make WC and top off pumps run. not automatic but just so I hit a button and pump starts hit it again pump stops. with a ball valve that needs to be open first before it can go to the display. I just dont like the idea of cheep float swtiches connecting a 55gal drum of freshwater to my DT.

Now with so much equiptment have their own controllers (powerheads, DC pumps, LEDs, dosers ) I question whether a controller is necessary any more for me but I have it so Im going to continue to use it.
In my case Ill never run an ATO so all the float switches and alarms dont benifit me, no ca reactor so i havent checked my ph probe in years, house has central air so a chiller isnt required, so a $50 ranco heater a $10 digital thermometer controller and a couple of manual switched outlets so for roughly $75 I have almost the same thing 4-600 controller for how mine is used. but this is no where near the capibilities of the controller either.

A good controller is also almost endless in what you can do with it as well.
reduncy for auto top off
reduncy for heaters
stabile heat and cooling
automatic water changes
every safety feature you could possibly come up with.
time delays on outlets.
MH safety ( time delay start ups, lights off if tank reaches certain temp.)

they are a very nice piece of equiptment to have and a necessity if you run ATO chillers, MH lights, any non programmable light reallyjjust to ditch 3-5 manual timers, ca reactor, if you want an auto WC system.

whatcaneyedo 08-08-2015 06:44 PM

Here is my response to the same basic question that was in a different thread a couple of months ago.


Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo (Post 940200)
Full Apex here.
1. Turns the lights on and off according to a schedule and also if the tank gets too warm.
2. Shuts the return pump off if there is a flood or if the water level within the display tank raises too high.
3. Turns cooling fan and heater on and off as required to keep the temperature relatively steady.
4. With a couple float switches and a maxi-jet pump it is my ATO.
5. Turns a solenoid on and off twice a week to replenish the evaporation top off RO/DI water reservoir.
6. Controls the flow pattern of two Tunzes.
7. Turns a CO2 solenoid on and off to maintain a steady pH in the Calcium Reactor.
8. Turns the mixing pump on and off for the Kalkwasser Reactor several times a day.
9. Sounds an alarm or sends me a text/email if one of the pH readings isn't right, or if the tank is too warm, or if its flooding etc.
10. Allows me to shut anything off or turn anything on from an internet connection.
11. Enables me to shut the pumps or skimmer down for a few minutes during feeding or maintenance at the touch of a button, then starts those back up again automatically.

All this within one handy handy controller for a modest cost... as opposed to having 10 or more individual devices that are not cross integrated. On the downside I do have 'all of my eggs in one basket', but after 5(?) years of operation I have have only had one problem and it was my own fault for getting the module wet.

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