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Eyford01 05-02-2015 09:57 PM

my new yell.. white watchman goby?
1 Attachment(s)
I had an order come in today that included a supposed to be yellow watchman but it's white with 3 greyish stripes, still has the blue spots. I searched online some people said stress (believable after 18 hours in a box and a plane ride later) some people said it's a female colour form. Anyone see anything like this? Will it go back to yellow or should i be looking at finding her a boyfriend?

albert_dao 05-02-2015 10:40 PM

Same species, but they come in two color forms. Your's looks grey. My friend had a grey one. It was like 7 years old. Grey all its life. Some of the locals here may remember it from King Ed's downstairs display tank. It was ancient and not a speck of yellow, lol.

hfp75 05-02-2015 11:13 PM


might be female might not be....

not stress, grey is actually pretty common.... I like the look of the grey ones better....

Eyford01 05-02-2015 11:33 PM

It's actually a bit lighter, more white, than in the picture, seems to be doing alright in it's new home, now if only it didn't insist on hanging out in the exact opposite corner from my pistol shrimp..

Eyford01 05-03-2015 11:49 PM

24 hours later and still looking OK, I sent an email to ask about the colour and the response I got was that apparently it is an ORA fish and will turn yellow when it gets older. That's something I've never heard of before in watchman, just thought I'd share.

hfp75 05-04-2015 12:58 AM

Your shrimp and goby will pair - give it time.

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